Release Notes⚓︎
Version 2.115.0⚓︎
Released on February 19th 2025
- Updated for v3442
- Added Online > Business > Apps > Hacker Truck
- Added Online > Business > Apps > Hacker Den
- Added Online > Business > Apps > Fixer
- Added Online > Business > Apps > Avenger
- Added Online > Business > Apps > Arcade
Version 2.114.0⚓︎
Released on January 8th 2025
- Renamed Online > Casino/Perico Heist: Mission Control
- Renamed Online > Mission Control > Remove Security Guards: Enemies
- Renamed Online > Mission Control > Perico Prep: Cayo Perico Heist
- Added Online > Mission Control > Cayo Perico Heist > Target
- Added Online > Mission Control > Cayo Perico Heist > Weapon Loadout
- Added Online > Mission Control > Cayo Perico Heist > Complete All Setups
- Added Online > Mission Control > Cayo Perico Heist > Plasma Cutter Upgrade
- Added Online > Mission Control > Lonewolf Content
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Approach
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Hard Approach
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Target
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Gunman
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Driver
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Hacker
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Weapon Variation
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Vehicle Variation
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Complete All Setups
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Dual Keycard Patch
- Added Online > Mission Control > Casino Heist > Vault Patch
- Removed Online > Mission Control > Remove Vault Clutter
- Removed Online > Mission Control > Bot
- Added
command: teleport to waypoint / objective - Added
Version 2.113.0⚓︎
Released on December 19th 2024
- Added Online > Business > Options > Salvage Yard Popularity
- Added Local > Teleport > Activities > Pizza This
- Added Local > Teleport > Activities > Vincent
- Added Local > Teleport > Activities > UL Paper
- Added Local > Teleport > Activities > Madrazo
- Added Local > Teleport > Activities > Gerald
- Added commands:
- tpbiz
- tpact
- tpveh_personal
- tpveh_here_personal
- tpveh_last
- tpveh_here_last
- Added
to lua (readonly) - Updated Online > Business > Overlay > Show Salvage Yard: Added popularity percentage
- Updated Local > Teleport > Waypoint: Waypoint teleport uses z coord from other blip when available
- Updated Local > Teleport > Waypoint: Added pizza delivery objective
- Fixed missing liberty city license plate color
- Fixed
goto scripts
Version 2.112.0⚓︎
Released on December 16th 2024
- Added Online > Business > Manual Actions > Cash Out Salvage Yard Safe
- Added Online > Business > Manual Actions > Cash Out Bail Office Safe
- Added Online > Business > Manual Actions > Cash Out Garment Factory Safe
- Added Online > Business > Overlay > Show Salvage Yard
- Added Online > Business > Overlay > Show Bail Office
- Added Online > Business > Overlay > Show Garment Factory
- Added commands: cash_salvage, cash_bail, cash_garment
- Added missing v3411 vehicles to
command auto-complete - Added
to lua (prefix + name + suffix) - Fixed
(reported as refill ammo not working) - Fixed explosion types text
- Fixed license plate types text
- Fixed console thread safety issue
- NAT type hidden in PIW when type is
- Removed player crash options (broken and pointless because of solo-only)
- Added self-check to sound spam option to prevent crash in SP
Version 2.111.1⚓︎
Released on December 14th 2024
- Fixed crash when going online through various methods
- Added mdsoab to auto-update
Version 2.111.0⚓︎
Released on December 13th 2024
- Updated for v3411 (without BE)
- Fixed crash when going online with
lobby go
- Added garment factory teleport
Version 2.109.0⚓︎
Released on October 6th 2024
- Updated for v3337
- Replaced 2t1 only matchmaking with custom matchmaking crc
Version 2.108.0⚓︎
Released on July 17th 2024
- Updated for v3274
- Updated Auto Throttler: sticky bomb limit ignores local player
- Updated crash protection
- Updated migrate kick
- Added test kick
Version 2.107.3⚓︎
Released on June 29th 2024
- Updated launcher
- Fixed responsiveness after gta5.exe exits
- Fixed launcher getting stuck after game crashes
- Added game version check
- Fixed missing vehicle models for
command - Fixed chat queue guid generator
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.107.1⚓︎
Released on June 26th 2024
- Fixed incoming chat
- Disabled outging chat through
and lua - Added ChatEvent::team property
Version 2.105.0⚓︎
Released on December 12th 2023
- Fixed black screen when spawning online
- Added salvage yard teleport
- Updated script protex
- Fixed script kick
- Removed Online > Player > Griefing > Clear Tasks (patched by R*)
- Fixed Online > Player > Griefing > Freeze
- Removed Online > Player > Services > Give Bounty
Version 2.104.0⚓︎
Released on December 12th 2023
- Updated for v3095 (1.68 online)
- Updated vehicle kick protex
Version 2.103.0⚓︎
Released on October 3rd 2023
- Updated for v3028
- Updated Online > Protections > Block Remote Teleport
- Updated Local > Aim Assist > Triggerbot: Peds/Players/Both options
Version 2.102.0⚓︎
Released on July 16th 2023
- Added Online > Players > Teleport > Teleport Player To Me
- Added Online > Players > Teleport > Teleport Player To Waypoint
- Added Online > Players > Teleport > Teleport Player In The Air
- Added Online > Players > Kick Player
- Removed Online > Players > Script Kick
- Removed Online > Players > Host Kick
- Removed Online > Players > Karen Kick
- Removed Online > Players > Migrate Kick
- (Re-)Added Online > Players > I Love Rockstar [VIP]
Updated menu hints (Thanks to Toph)
Added lua functions:
Version 2.101.0⚓︎
Released on July 11th 2023
- Added Online > Players > Migrate Kick
- Added Online > Players > Karen Kick
- Added Online > Protection > Block Remote Teleport
- (Re-)Added Online > All Players > Crash All [VIP]
- Fixed freemode crash when respawning while having too many weapons
- Updated kick protection
- Updated lua
to use Migrate Kick - Updated crash protection
- Removed Online > Protections > Block Desync Kick: Defunct
Version 2.100.1⚓︎
Released on June 14th 2023
- Removed I Love Rockstar
- Removed send to island
- Removed bro hug
- Fixed rpf crash
- Fixed host kick PIW
Version 2.100.0⚓︎
Released on June 14th 2023
- Updated for v2944 (1.67 online)
- Added Local > Weather and Time > Disable Fog
- Added Local > Weather and Time > Disable Rain
- Added Local > Weather and Time > Disable Snow
- Added Local > Weather and Time > Disable Snow Mist
- Removed village people 360 kick
- Removed drop kick protex
Version 2.99.0⚓︎
Released on May 26th 2023
- Updated crash protection
- Added Online > Modder Detection > Detect Damage Modifiers
- Fixed player info window when adding integrated lua features to player submenus
- Fixed player info window not displaying adding integrated lua parent features to player submenus
- Fixed lua crash when printing "%"
- Fixed lua crash when "%" is in the error string
- Fixed lua player.get_player_ip when used on your own player
- Fixed Online > Protections > Block Damage Modifier Detection
- Fixed Local > Player Options > Damage Modifiers > Melee Weapon Damage
- Moved Local > Player Options > Damage Mod: Local > Player Options > Damage Modifiers > Weapon Damage
- Moved Local > Player Options > Melee Damage Mod: Local > Player Options > Damage Modifiers > Melee Weapon Damage
- Moved Local > Player Options > Vehicle Damage Mod: Local > Player Options > Damage Modifiers > Melee Unarmed Damage
- Updated Online > Player > Block > Block Outgoing Syncs: Added clone create to block
- Updated Online > Fake Friends > Search: Changed from autoaction to action feature
- Updated Online > SC Browser > Search: Changed from autoaction to action feature
- Updated Online > Protections > Block Super Jump Flag Detection: Patched logic gap
- Updated Online > Protections > Block Spectate Detection: Patched logic gap
- Updated Online > Protections > Block Damage Modifier Detection: Patched logic gap
- Updated Online > Modder Detection > Detect Super Jump: Bypass frame flag spoof
- Updated Online > Modder Detection > Detect Super Jump: Added beast jump detection
- Updated Spawn > Vehicle > Preview: Auto kick player from preview vehicle (when entered through editor)
- Updated Spawn > Vehicle > Saved Vehicles > Save: Added illegal path character check
- Updated Spawn > Vehicle > Options > Maintain Velocity: Added in-vehicle check
Version 2.98.0⚓︎
Released on April 18th 2023
- Added Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Parachute
- Added Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Flip Ramp
- Added Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Boost
- Added Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Boost Capacity
- Added Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Boost Speed
- Added Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Jump
- Added Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Underwater Driving
- Moved Local > Vehicle Options > Instant Boost Recharge: Local > Vehicle Options > Abilities > Instant Boost Recharge
- Fixed launcher error when menu files are missing
Updated Online > Protections > Disable Background Script: Added ini key
Updated lua functions:
Version 2.97.1⚓︎
Released on April 7th 2023
- Fixed script install dependency hint
- Updated launcher: Removed legacy inject support
- Updated launcher: Stay alive after game closes
Version 2.97.0⚓︎
Released on April 1st 2023
- Added Local > Scripts > Install Scripts
- Changed casino, freakshop, arena workshop and bennys teleport to static coords instead of blip
- Fixed bug when backing deleting the active submenu
- Updated crash protection
Added lua functions:
#### Feat|nil add_integrated_feature(string name, string type, Feat parent, function|nil handler) #### Feat|nil add_integrated_feature_before(string name, string type, Feat sibling, function|nil handler) #### Feat|nil add_integrated_feature_after(string name, string type, Feat sibling, function|nil handler)
Version 2.96.2⚓︎
Released on March 16th 2023
- Fixed I Love Rockstar
- Fixed chat event
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.96.1⚓︎
Released on March 3st 2023
- Fixed village people 360 kick when used on the host
- Fixed kick on join timeout
- Fixed chat while using drop kick protex (while host)
- Fixed mdsoab not working online
Version 2.96.0⚓︎
Released on March 1st 2023
- Updated for v2845 1.66
- Update Lua VehicleHandling class (Added properties):
- fInitialDragCoeff
- fBuoyancyConstant
- fPetrolConsumptionRate
- fSeatOffsetDistX
- fSeatOffsetDistY
- fSeatOffsetDistZ
- strModelFlags
- strHandlingFlags
- strDamageFlags
- AIHandling
- fEstimatedMaxFlatVel
- Added Lua CarHandlingData class
- Added console commands:
- goto: Navigate to a submenu
- veh_repair: Repair your vehicle
- veh_upgrade: Upgrade your vehicle (all upgrades)
- veh_upgrade_perf: Upgrade your vehicle (performance upgrades only)
- bm: Toggle Business Manager
- sh: Give script host to a player
- heal: Heal your player ped
- cash_nightclub: Cash out your nightclub safe
- cash_arcade: Cash out your arcade safe
- cash_agency: Cash out your agency safe
- ckick: Kick player with cheater msg
- crash: Crash player (fragment crash)
Version 2.95.0⚓︎
Released on February 16th 2023
- Added Local > DLCs: Addon vehicle loader
- Added Online > Lobby > 2Take1 Only Matchmaking
- Added session type display to:
- Online > Session Browser
- Online > SC Browser
- Online > Player History
- Online > Fake Friends
- Updated Online > Business: Increased cargo produce delay
- Updated Online > Business: Added option to source cargo every 48 minutes
- Updated Online > Business: Updated hints
- Updated Online > Player Spoofer: Updated error message when trying to spoof host token while already in multiplayer
- Updated Online > Protections > Rockstar Admin: Removed second scid and ip from notification
- Updated Online > Protections > Crash: Patched crash when net obj non-const sync tree is missing
- Updated LUA: Added __tostring support for table stringify
- Updated LUA: Converted package.path to UTF8
- Added custom GTA news
Version 2.94.0⚓︎
Released on February 3rd 2023
- Fixed player info ip display for local player
- Replaced Host Kick with Ho Kick
- Updated Village People 360 kick
- Updated lua network.force_remove_player
- (Re-)Added drop kick protex (when host)
- Added option to kick people with cheating notify to Ho Kick and Village People 360 Kick
- Updated kick hints
Version 2.93.0⚓︎
Released on February 3rd 2023
- Re-enabled player spoofer (name/scid/ip removed) [VIP]
- Removed host name/scid/ip spoof
- Updated kick and kickid commands to use script kick
- (Re-)added host kick
- Updated session type changer (host options)
- Added cargoplane2 to big vehicle list
- Fixed scid 0 being cached (player leave event)
- Added I Love Rockstar [VIP]
- Fixed kick on join timeout
- Removed remote kick notifications
- Fixed player list suffix cleanup when leaving online
- (Re-)Added village people 360 kick
- Removed kick host on host kick
- Removed block drop kick (when host)
- Removed wait for IP for player join event
- Fixed lua force_remove_player
Version 2.92.0⚓︎
Released on February 2nd 2023
- Updated for v2824 (1.66 online)
- Updated crash protection
- Fixed potential crash when refreshing list during async actions
- Removed broken kicks/crashes
- Disabled player spoofer
Version 2.91.1⚓︎
Released on January 29th 2023
- Updated network.send_chat_message to fire a ChatEvent
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.91.0⚓︎
Released on January 27th 2023
- Updated arena unlocks: Added vehicle unlocks etc
- Updated script protection
- Updated crash protection
- Fixed business manager HUB produce/sell options being tied to CARGO
- Fixed business manager feature not turning off when handler exits due to session not being started
- Fixed business manager typo
- Fixed softlock when using input or console at the same time as changing input method
Version 2.90.0⚓︎
Released on January 21st 2023
- Fixed spectate player being allowed to be on, while not spectating that player
- Updated crash protection: patched faggot crash
- Updated script protection: patched global buffer overflow
Version 2.89.0⚓︎
Released on January 17th 2023
- Added
option toPopstarAuth.ini
- Added special cargo to business manager (sell and increase production)
- Added separate options to enable supply/produce/sell for specific business types
- Added disable interior restrictions service
- Added free cam
- Combined business manager safes and special cargo submenus
- Updated player tags to only display in player list (not in tab headers)
- Updated hints vcenter behaviour
- Fixed player history search filter not applying to new entries
- Fixed bug causing some transitions to break (e.g. returning from a mission with other players)
- Fixed jif renderer for jifs with a total runtime of 0 ms
Version 2.88.0⚓︎
Released on January 9th 2023
- Added block outgoing syncs to player
- Added block syncs to spectators
- Updated sync crash targeting
- Patched spectator chat
- Fixed 'hawick' typo
- Fixed JIF parser bug causing artifacting for some jifs
- Removed type 3 from RAC2 detection
Version 2.87.0⚓︎
Released on January 7th 2023
- Added cash out safes (nc/arcade/agency)
- Added disable native replays
- Moved disable native cheat input to Local > Settings > Hotkeys
- Added set mental state
- Added give player bounty
- Added claim own bounty service
- Added bitch slap player
- Added silent protex for bitch slap player
- Fixed slider jiggle
- Updated kick protection
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.86.1⚓︎
Released on January 6th 2023
- Updated script protection
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.86.0⚓︎
Released on January 5th 2023
- Updated remove CEO work cooldowns (special cargo + vehicle cargo)
- Added special cargo to business manager overlay [VIP]
- Added (instant) resupply special cargo [VIP]
- LUA/MDSOAB security update
Version 2.85.1⚓︎
Released on January 4th 2023
- Updated crash protection
- Updated sound spam protection
- Fixed rare deadlock that can occur with autoaction value feats
- Fixed lua str_data getter for C strings
- Fixed auto throttler not turning off properly once turned on
- Fixed verify option type validation for lua http requests
- Fixed cargoplane2 missing from vehicle auto-complete
Version 2.85.0⚓︎
Released on January 2nd 2023
- Updated lua feat.value (get/set) and feat.str_data (get) for C string feat values
- Updated MDSOAB interop to load ASIs async (to prevent key from getting stuck down)
- Updated crash protection
- Renamed custom explosive ammo to fix duplicate hierarchy key
- Removed brickade2 and manchez3 from pv service
Version 2.84.0⚓︎
Released on December 30th 2022
- Added set character level
- Added set crew level
- Added unlock max agency safe daily income
- Added notifications to hint ini load/save
- Added rcrash and rcrashid commands [VIP]
- Added remote crash to sc browser, player history, fake friends [VIP]
- Updated crash protection
- Removed wanted rp loop
- Removed correct level
Version 2.83.0⚓︎
Released on December 28th 2022
- Added rkickid command (rkick is by name now) [VIP]
- Added name autocomplete to join and rkick (generated based on player history + fake friends)
- Added remote kick option to fake friends [VIP]
- Added block super jump detection
- Added block damage modifier detection
- Updated command help texts
- Removed hkick (hkick was renamed to rkick, original rkick was removed)
Version 2.82.0⚓︎
Released on December 27th 2022
- Added remote kick options to player history [VIP]
- Added remote kick option to SC browser [VIP]
- Added rkick and hkick commands [VIP]
- Updated drop kick protection
Version 2.81.0⚓︎
Released on December 21st 2022
- Added acid lab to business manager
- Updated clear bad sport
- Updated MDSOAB stability
Version 2.80.0⚓︎
Released on December 15th 2022
- Added tp to Freakshop
- Fixed minor crash protection issue
- Fixed weapon attachment slots (for AP pistol and Micro SMG)
- Fixed R* dev flag spoof
- Fixed join/new crew lobby
- Fixed player vehicle hijack
- Fixed freeze player
- Fixed clear player tasks
- Updated player spoofer: crew spoof
- Updated script protection
- Updated unlimited throwables
- Updated new explosion name
- Updated tp to objective
- Updated tp to MOC
- Removed CEO kick player (patched)
- Removed CEO ban player (patched)
- Moved CEO invite options to standard edition
- Optimized hooking init
Version 2.79.0⚓︎
Released on December 14th 2022
- Updated for v2802 (1.64 online)
- Added disable cam shake
- Updated script protection
- Fixed headblend T-Pose bug
- Fixed is_vehicle_a_convertible
Version 2.78.0⚓︎
Released on December 8th 2022
- Added sc signin patch for legacy injection
- Updated crash protection
- Updated lua VehicleHandling
- Updated lua ScriptEvent
Updated lua PlayerLeaveEvent
Added lua functions:
Version 2.77.0⚓︎
Released on November 22nd 2022
- Added vehicle kick toggle [VIP]
- Added option to disable player tag colors
- Added RAC2 modder detection
- Fixed spritefont creation for spritefonts without a default glyph
- Fixed lua hook cleanup
- Updated crash protection
- Updated script protection
- Updated vehicle hijack protection
- Updated vehicle kick
Version 2.76.1⚓︎
Released on November 18th 2022
- Fixed notification x min/max after you change width
- Fixed send player sms
- Fixed dead clone cleanup after feature is turned off
- Updated crash protection
- Updated script protection
Version 2.76.0⚓︎
Released on November 16th 2022
- Added "add sc friend" option to fake friends, sc browser and player history
- Added in session display to player history
- Added mixed targets to aimbot (players & peds at the same time)
- Added color coding to player tags
- Updated crash protection
- Fixed all player weapon features
- Fixed modder detection false positive
Fixed blocking of a few parachute skins
Added Lua functions:
#### void network.give_player_control_of_entity(Player player, Entity entity) #### bool network.add_friend(int scid, string msg) #### bool fire.add_explosion_ex(v3 pos, int type, float|nil dmgMult, bool|nil isAudible, bool|nil isInvis, float|nil fCamShake, Ped|nil owner, uint32_t|nil vfxHash) #### Vehicle|nil player.player_vehicle()
Version 2.75.1⚓︎
Released on November 15th 2022
- Updated crash protection
- Fixed modder detection false positive
Version 2.75.0⚓︎
Released on November 14th 2022
- Fixed aimbot smoothing while in vehicles
- Fixed aimbot bug while using snipers in 3rd person
- Fixed missing friend checks on all player features
- Fixed SHIFT,ALT,CONTROL for GTA input method
- Updated retrieve supplies: set vehicles on ground
- Updated editor: replaced text rendering
- Updated editor: added model hash display + to clipboard
- Updated aimbot lead: replaced text rendering
- Updated kick protection
- Updated village people 360 kick
- Updated crash protection
- Updated NSA crash
- Updated SARS crash
- Removed legacy splash
Version 2.74.1⚓︎
Released on November 8th 2022
- Faster inject button
- Fixed crash on loading screen when using aimbot fov indicator
- Fixed tp command when used with coord
- Fixed GIF parser for jifs without a global color table
- Set lua state on console command run
Version 2.74.0⚓︎
Released on November 6th 2022
- Fixed admin dlc crash
- Updated remove outfit restrictions: Patched removing hats when getting into a vehicle
- Updated crash protection
- Updated script protection
Version 2.73.0⚓︎
Released on November 3rd 2022
- Added LOD Dist option to editor mode
- Added animals to model changer
- Added patch so birds don't die on impact
- Added patch so animals don't die when ragdolled
- Added weapons (+components) to model changer outfit restore
- Added peds.cfg config for ped spawn and model changer
- Added ESP direction indicator
- Added aimbot in vehicle (third person only)
- Added disable idle cam
- Fixed model changer outfit restore when switching between mp_f and mp_m
- Fixed model changer respawn as invis ped
- Fixed mdsoab.dll errors not kicking you out of the submenu
- Fixed business manager overlay negative supply %
- Fixed GIF parser for jifs with huge color tables
- Fixed header list not refreshing
Updated extended memory pools to always increase script entity pools
Added IniParser class to lua
Added Lua functions:
#### int|nil entity.get_entity_lod_dist(Entity entity) #### bool entity.set_entity_lod_dist(Entity entity, int dist) #### v3[]|nil entity.get_entity_model_dimension_bounds(Entity entity) #### Ped player.player_ped() #### bool,nil|v2 graphics.project_3d_coord_rel(v3 coord) #### bool,v2|nil graphics.project_3d_coord_rel_normal(v3 origin, v3 coord, float len) #### nil v3.rotate(v3 rot) #### nil v2.rotate(float degrees) #### nil v2.pos_pixel_to_rel() #### nil v2.pos_rel_to_pixel() #### nil v2.size_pixel_to_rel() #### nil v2.size_rel_to_pixel() #### v3 cam.get_final_rendered_cam_rot() #### v3 cam.get_final_rendered_cam_pos() #### bool,v3|nil cam.get_euler_angles_between_coords(v3 from, v3 to)
Updated lua functions:
MDSOAB: Updated eGameVersion
Version 2.72.1⚓︎
Released on Oktober 28th 2022
- Fixed kanye/sars update
- Fixed business manager bunker resupply after supplies go to 0%
- Fixed me a sandwich
- Fixed model change crash false positive
Version 2.72.0⚓︎
Released on Oktober 28th 2022
- Fixed display_onscreen_keyboard
- Updated kanye crash
- Updated SARS crash
- Updated crash protection
- Deprecated clear_area_of_* (use natives instead)
Proper implementation of CPhysical (entity inheritance) and related type checks
Added lua functions:
Version 2.71.1⚓︎
Released on Oktober 26th 2022
- Fixed out of bounds service
- Fixed launcher mode=0 for steam
- Fixed business manager goof
Version 2.71.0⚓︎
Released on Oktober 25th 2022
- Updated for GTA5 v2699.16
- Added reserve parachute to give parachute option
- Added auto give parachute
- Added xenon color changer
- Added teleport to business: special warehouse (1-5)
- Added teleport to activity: RC Time Trial
- Added teleport to activity: Junk Energy Skydive (1-10)
- Added teleport to store: Luxury Autos
- Added teleport to store: Premium Deluxe Motorsport
- Added animated gif support for sprites
- Added auto refresh header list
- Added menu nav sounds
- Fixed menu unload removing some vehicle mods
- Fixed outfitter typo
- Fixed crash on unload
- Removed teleport to contest: Special Race
- Removed header pre-loading (to save memory)
Optimized get_feature_by_hierarchy_key
Added lua functions:
#### bool scriptdraw.free_sprite(int id) #### int scriptdraw.get_sprite_runtime(int id) #### int scriptdraw.get_sprite_texture_count(int id) #### int|nil dsound.register_wav(string path) #### bool id) #### void id, float|nil volume, int|nil position) #### void dsound.stop(int id)
Updated lua functions:
Version 2.70.1⚓︎
Released on Oktober 19th 2022
- Added menu x check to tutorial to move hints to left side
Version 2.70.0⚓︎
Released on Oktober 18th 2022
- Added commands: god lawless veh_god
- Added hints system
- Added interactive tutorial
- Added inline color support to text renderer
- Added block 60% keys while menu is open
- Added aimbot FOV indicator
- Added media player and motomami to freeze radio station
- Added weapon muzzle velocity
- Added weapon bullet batch
- Added weapon batch spread
- Added weapon lockon range
- Added weapon weapon range
- Added Kanye crash [VIP]
- Fixed presence event protex
- Fixed native notification bg color
- Fixed HOTKEY_BIND key being stuck down with GTA input method
- Fixed console close with hotkey (with GTA input method)
- Updated script protection
- Updated crash protection
- Updated auto throttler: new prop implementation
- Updated auto throttler: added projectile limit
- Removed old instructions system
- Removed old tutorial
Removed Yo Momma crash [VIP]
Added lua properties:
Added Lua functions:
#### void scriptdraw.draw_rect_ext(v2 pos1, v2 pos2, v2 pos3, v2 pos4, uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, uint32_t color3, uint32_t color4) #### void scriptdraw.draw_circle(v2 pos, float radius, uint32_t color, float|nil radians, float|nil phase_offset, int|nil sample_rate) #### void scriptdraw.draw_circle_outline(v2 pos, float radius, uint32_t color, float|nil radians, float|nil phase_offset, int|nil sample_rate) #### void scriptdraw.draw_curved_line(v2[] points, uint32_t color, int|nil sample_rate) #### void scriptdraw.draw_triangle(v2 pos1, v2 pos2, v2 pos3, uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, uint32_t color3) #### float|nil timecycle.get_timecycle_keyframe_var(Hash weather, int region, int frame, string var) #### bool timecycle.set_timecycle_keyframe_var(Hash weather, int region, int frame, string var, float val)
2.69.2 (nice)
Version 2.69.2⚓︎
Released on Oktober 1st 2022
- Added GTA input method
- Fixed (rare) deadlock on unload
- Fixed controller support opening menu with W+H
2.69.0 (nice)
Version 2.69.0⚓︎
Released on September 29th 2022
- Added console log to file
- Fixed lua exploit allowing memory write
- Fixed lua exploit allowing unintended memory reads
- Fixed lua stop all notification
- Fixed lua register_command and remove_command
- Fixed lua get_vehicle_number_plate_text
- Fixed lua rope_are_textures_loaded
- Fixed lua does_vehicle_have_parachute
- Fixed lua can_vehicle_parachute_be_activated
- Fixed saved vehicles: drift tires and rgb smoke/wheel/model/seat
- Fixed console line height scaling
- Updated vehicle hijack protection
Patched Microsoft C++ exception unwind on w11
Added Lua functions:
Version 2.68.0⚓︎
Released on September 20th 2022
- Added lua script info window
- Added lua [R] running script prefix
- Added lua stop all
- Added fragment crash [VIP]
- Fixed crash on lua state reset while in a player feat parent
- Updated crash protection
- Updated crash all [VIP]
Version 2.67.0⚓︎
Released on September 19th 2022
- Added console commands: time weather feat say say_team bail tp load save luar
- Added no plane turbulence
- Fixed join, joinid and vehicle commands blocking the console script handler
- Fixed console: missing zero terminator on ctrl+c
- Fixed default threading mode not properly applying
- Fixed disable native cheat input (for some keyboard layouts)
- Fixed chat spoof detection false positive
- Fixed lua error from console crash
- Fixed fake friends stalker crash when adding new friends
- Updated console: tab to cycle/scroll through all complete options
- Updated console: option to close on hotkey
- Updated console: added support for ctrl+left, ctrl+right, ctrl+backspace, home, end
- Updated console commands: kick kickid
- Updated auto throttler: added prop max value
Updated crash protection
- Separated scripts into their own states
- Added search to scripts
- Added load priority
- Removed autoexec (deprecated)
- Removed debug console (replaced by ingame console)
- Removed reset state (deprecated)
- Removed ability to write to 2Take1Menu.ini
Added Lua functions:
Version 2.66.0⚓︎
Released on September 11th 2022
- Added drift tires to mobile LSC
- Added clear time override
- Added no throwable/flare limits
- Added ingame console
- Updated player ESP: Added player list tags to name
- Updated UI headers: Added file ext to names
- Updated spectate player: Minimap
- Updated crash protection
Fixed village people 360 kick when used on host
- Added autoprint command to lua console
- Added allowed file extensions: jpg jpeg png gif bmp dds
- Added trusted mode: memory
- Replaced dofile to add utf8 support
Added Lua functions:
#### bool input.is_open() #### v3 v3.__idiv(v2|v3|float) #### v2 v2.__idiv(v2|v3|float) #### float|nil vehicle.get_vehicle_suspension_height_offset(Vehicle veh) #### void vehicle.set_vehicle_suspension_height_offset(Vehicle veh, float h) #### void vehicle.set_vehicle_drift_tires(Vehicle veh, bool toggle) #### bool vehicle.get_vehicle_drift_tires(Vehicle veh) #### bool io.remove_dir(string path) #### bool io.rename(string oldpath, string newpath) #### [] get_lib_cache() #### bool clear_lib_cache(string|nil lib) #### uint64|nil memory.get_any(Entity entity) #### uint64|nil memory.get_entity(Entity entity) #### uint64|nil memory.get_ped(Ped ped) #### uint64|nil memory.get_vehicle(Vehicle vehicle) #### uint64|nil memory.get_object(Object object) #### uint64|nil memory.get_pickup(Pickup pickup) #### uint64|nil memory.read_u64(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### uint32|nil memory.read_u32(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### uint16|nil memory.read_u16(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### uint8|nil memory.read_u8(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### int64|nil memory.read_i64(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### int32|nil memory.read_i32(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### int16|nil memory.read_i16(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### int8|nil memory.read_i8(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### float|nil memory.read_f32(uint64 base, uint64[] offsets) #### Player|nil network.get_entity_net_owner(Entity entity) #### int|nil network.get_entity_net_id(Entity entity) #### Entity|nil network.get_net_id_entity(int netId) #### bool console.register_command(string name, string hint, function run, function|nil complete) #### bool console.remove_command(string name)
Version 2.65.0⚓︎
Released on September 6th 2022
- Added player history
- Added option to disable IP spoof detection
- Added parachute to weapon management
- Updated business manager to automatically update sell prices based on business upgrades etc
- Updated auto throttler: Cleanup excessive props
- Updated village people 360 kick
- Updated crash protection
- Updated lua network.force_remove_player
- Fixed saved vehicle spawn (while networked previews are disabled)
- Fixed suspicious activity false positive
- Fixed false positive on GIVE_WEAPON_EVENT
Version 2.64.0⚓︎
Released on September 5th 2022
- Updated crash protection
- Updated script protection
- Updated tunable unlocks
- Fixed join timeout: scid join
- Fixed ip spoof detection
- Fixed vehicle preview networked option for saved vehicles
- Disabled hotkeys for reset state (lua + mdsoab)
Removed chat as player (patched by R*)
- Added
- Added
to allowed file extensions - Fixed
relative pathing
- Added
Version 2.63.1⚓︎
Released on July 27th 2022
- Fixed chat message events for local chat
- Fixed send chat message for local chat
- Fixed SC friend class
- Fixed business manager sell prices
- Fixed business manager hub counterfeit overlay
- Added option to fix R* chat filter
Version 2.63.0⚓︎
Released on July 26th 2022
- Updated for GTA5 v2699 (1.61 online)
- Updated crash protection
- Lua:
- Fixed system.wait inside script threads (create_thread)
- Fixed http responses body for binary responses
Version 2.62.0⚓︎
Released on July 12th 2022
- Added real alt+f4
- Added (un)lock casino restrictions [VIP]
- Added proprietary info overlay stabilization algorithm
- Added disable all notifications option
Fixed clipboard unicode issue on input box
- Updated menu.add_player_feature
- Updated menu.add_feature
- Updated menu.create_thread
- Fixed Feat:toggle() for parent in inactive tab
- Fixed file_exists/dir_exists/make_dir/get_appdata_path utf8 paths
Added lua functions:
- bool menu.is_open()
- bool menu.is_window_in_foreground()
Version 2.61.1⚓︎
Released on July 1st 2022
- Fixed script protection crash on collectable protection
- Fixed loading lua scripts with utf8 names/paths
Version 2.61.0⚓︎
Released on June 28th 2022
- Added chat spoof correction/detection
- Fixed dir search by ext
- Fixed disable hotkeys while chatting
- Updated pv services: Whitelisted stromberg and toreador
- Fixed encoding issues with paths and clipboard
- Removed mask from script event params in script event hook
- Fixed script event
- Added support for autoexec.luac
- Updated require() error message
- Fixed delete feature when it's the active parent
- Added table support to tostring()
- Added yieldable assert to web functions
- Updated require() with a C implementation
- Updated with a C implementation
- Updated io path validation to allow relative paths
- Updated error handling
- Added ChatEvent.sender property
- Added FeatData type validation
- Removed deprecated Feat.value_i, Feat.min_i, Feat.max_i, Feat.mod_i, Feat.threaded, PlayerFeat.threaded
- Added response headers to web functions
Added lua functions:
Version 2.60.1⚓︎
Released on June 22nd 2022
- Fixed heap corruption on thread delete
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.60.0⚓︎
Released on June 21st 2022
- Added fake friends categories
- Added custom headers containers: png, jpg, tiff, bmp, gif (first frame for multi-frame images)
- Added in session display to session browser and sc browser
- Added option to disable hotkeys while chatting
- Added vehicle spawn maintain velocity option
- Added return personal vehicle service
- Added player sort (slot/join/name)
- Added pv sort (pv service)
- Updated MDSOAB
- Added 'Disable Online Checks' option
- Added automatic backups before patching ASIs
- Updated vehicle::can_vehicle_be_locked_on
- Updated info overlay
- Added background option
- Speed visible without being in a vehicle
- Updated text alignment
- Updated vehicle previewer
- Added previewer for saved vehicles
- Updated static positioning
- Engine/lights on
- Updated controller support
- Updated script protection
- Updated crash protection
- Updated cage protection
- Updated auto-throttler default model-max to 128
- Updated collectable protex
- Updated lua
- Updated lua trusted mode (split into multiple options):
- Stats
- Globals/Locals
- Natives
- Http
- Fixed lua __tointeger for ByteBuffer64,128,256
- Fixed lua fill/set for ByteBuffer with string type (will put the string into the bytebuffer now, rather than a char pointer)
- Fixed hotkeys during text input
Removed window x/y from fake friends, spoofer, session browser, sc browser (all use the PIW setting now)
Added lua functions:
#### bool mark_as_modder(Player player, int flag) #### void trigger_script_event_2(int playerBitset, int eventId, ...) #### string|nil get_global_s(uint32_t i, uint32_t max_len) #### bool set_global_s(uint32_t i, string v, uint32_t max_len) #### string|nil get_local_s(Hash script, uint32_t i, uint32_t max_len) #### bool set_local_s(Hash script, uint32_t i, string v, uint32_t max_len) #### int get_trust_flags() #### int, string post(string url, string[]|nil headers, string|nil data) #### int, string get(string url, string[]|nil headers)
Version 2.59.0⚓︎
Released on June 7th 2022
- Added integration with 'Chop Stepped On A Bee' ASI loader (put mdsoab.dll next to launcher.exe)
- Added run speed modifier
- Added disable out of bounds death service
- Updated script protection
- Fixed anti-report false positive notification
Added lua functions:
Added lua classes:
#### ByteBuffer @constructor ByteBuffer8(...) @constructor ByteBuffer16(...) @constructor ByteBuffer32(...) @constructor ByteBuffer64(...) @constructor ByteBuffer128(...) @constructor ByteBuffer256(...) @method void set(int idx, int|float|bool|string|v2|v3 val) @method void fill(...) @method string __tostring(bool|void)*¹ @method int __tointeger(int|void idx) @method int __tointeger64(int|void idx) @method float __tonumber(int|void idx) @method v3 __tov3(int|void idx) #### NativeResult @method string __tostring(bool|void)*¹ @method int __tointeger(int|void idx) @method int __tointeger64(int|void idx) @method float __tonumber(int|void idx) @method v3 __tov3(int|void idx) *¹ These functions will reinterpret the bytebuffer as a char pointer when you pass `true`. Only use this if you know the type in the bytebuffer is a char pointer.
Version 2.58.0⚓︎
Released on May 31st 2022
- Added search to personal vehicle services
- Added blackjack - bust the house [VIP]
- Added roulette - power of one [VIP]
- Added give script host [VIP]
- Added teleport to properties (apts/garages)
- Updated player info window: Formatted money
- Updated script protection
- Updated scid joiner
- Updated cage protection
- Changed time features to action (from autoaction)
- Added lua functions:
#### int get_vehicle_wheel_type(Vehicle veh) #### string|nil get_vehicle_number_plate_text(Vehicle veh) #### int|nil get_vehicle_number_plate_index(Vehicle veh) #### Hash get_vehicle_parachute_model(Vehicle veh) #### void set_vehicle_parachute_model(Vehicle veh, Hash model) #### bool can_player_be_modder(Player player) #### Hash get_player_parachute_model(Player player) #### void set_player_parachute_model(Player player, Hash model) #### bool does_vehicle_model_have_parachute(Hash model) #### bool set_vehicle_model_has_parachute(Hash model, bool toggle) #### string|nil get_vehicle_model_brand_label(Hash model) #### string|nil get_vehicle_model_model_label(Hash model) #### string|nil get_vehicle_model_name(Hash model)
Version 2.57.0⚓︎
Released on May 24th 2022
- Added start org mission (sightseer, hostile takeover, headhunter) [VIP]
- Added suspicious activity modder detection
- Added infinite apartment invite
- Added destroy personal vehicle
- Added send to island party
- Added request personal vehicles service
- Updated
to work on local player - Updated script protex
- Updated invite yourself to org
- Updated crash protection
- Moved (force) reveal OTR to all players
- Moved OTR to services
- Renamed script kick protex -> script protex
- Renamed send chris formage -> send cris formage
Version 2.56.0⚓︎
Released on May 19th 2022
- Updated script kick protex
- Updated crash protex
- Moved SARS crash to crash all
Version 2.54.0⚓︎
Released on May 16th 2022
- Added defaults to SEP config
- Added vehicle hijack protection
- Added settings to auto throttler
- Fixed SEP profile save (when name contains a dash)
- Fixed ped esp text green mapping
- Fixed business manager overlay active column for biker businesses
- Updated business manager sale prices
- Moved entity throttlers into a submenu
Version 2.53.0⚓︎
Released on May 9th 2022
- Added drop kick "protection"
- Added speed up joining
- Added SEP (Auto-)Updater
- Updated crash protection
- Updated protection defaults
- Updated modder detection
Version 2.52.0⚓︎
Released on Apr 28th 2022
- Fixed feat_value ini load
- Updated crash protection
- SARS has mutated, we all have to wear masks again and make sure to touch dicks instead of shaking hands
Version 2.51.0⚓︎
Released on Apr 27th 2022
- Updated crash protection
- Removed broken scid joiner method (unpatched then patched by rockstar again)
Version 2.49.0⚓︎
Released on Apr 24th 2022
- Added Auto Throttler
- Added SC Account Browser [VIP]
- Updated add fake friend
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.48.1⚓︎
Released on Apr 4th 2022
- Fixed custom xhair crash when always on
- Fixed empty str data crash (session browser crash)
- Updated prep to mitigate invalid resource crash
Version 2.48.0⚓︎
Released on Apr 3rd 2022
- Added option to switch scid joiner methods (standard/old or fast/new)
- Updated session browser: removed online requirement
- Updated custom crosshair: added option to exclude homing launcher and sniper rifles
- Free penis enlargement/vaginal rejuventation
- Fixed ui.set_waypoint_off
- Fixed entity.set_entity_no_collsion_entity typo (old and corrected spelling works)
- Fixed (old) saved outfits not resetting decals
- Fixed veh stat cards for invisible vehicles
Version 2.47.0⚓︎
Released on Mar 7th 2022
- Added block presence stat updates
- Added block presence ginv
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.46.0⚓︎
Released on Feb 27th 2022
- Added Ho Kick
- Added presence event protex (mp invite / text msg notification)
- Added sound spam
- Added sound spam protex
- Added send mugger
- Added send hit squad
- Updated join timeout
- Updated crash protex
Version 2.45.0⚓︎
Released on Feb 20th 2022
- Added show vehicle stat cards
- Added modder event to Lua
- Added kick host on hostkick
- Updated host token spoof detection
- Updated player info window IP
- Updated join timeout
- Updated village people 360 kick
- Updated desync protex
- Fixed net array crash flagging for net event crash
- Fixed set_entity_gravity bug
Fixed chaos mode gravity field not working on peds
Added Lua functions:
#### v3 get_entity_forward_vector(Entity entity) #### v3|nil min, v3|nil max get_entity_model_dimensions(Entity entity) #### bool, v3|nil find_spawn_point_in_direction(v3 pos, v3 fwd, float dist) #### void set_can_attack_friendly(Ped ped, bool toggle, bool shoot) #### Hash add_relationship_group(string name) #### bool does_relationship_group_exist(Hash group) #### bool remove_relationship_group(Hash group) #### bool start_vehicle_horn(Vehicle veh, int duration, Hash mode, bool forever) #### bool set_vehicle_gravity_amount(Vehicle veh, float gravity) #### float|nil get_vehicle_gravity_amount(Vehicle veh) #### bool,v2|nil project_3d_coord(v3 coord)
Version 2.44.0⚓︎
Released on Feb 13th 2022
- Added desync kick protection
- Added object throttler
- Added karen modder detection
- Updated village people 360 kick
- Updated custom xhair: added gap
- Updated aimbot: break target when fov is exceeded
- Updated send jets: max 16 [VIP]
- Updated script kick protection
- Updated crash protection
- Updated disable scripted music (disable already playing mission music)
- Updated correct level: minimum level set to 2
- Updated cayo perico IPL: short delay to fix controller bug
- Fixed saved outfits: decals
- Renamed SCID Spoof modder detection -> Session Mismatch [VIP]
- Removed host kick (added to village people 360 kick when you're host)
- Removed physics glitched (patched by R*)
- Removed player attachment options (Patched by R*)
- Added Lua functions:
Version 2.43.0⚓︎
Released on Jan 16th 2022
- Added disable scripted music
- Added decals to outfitters
- Added SARS crash [VIP]
- Updated crew tag spoofer [VIP]
- Made available in standard:
- scid joiner
- fake friends joiner
- fake friends is in session display
- player spoofer (name/scid only)
Version 2.42.0⚓︎
Released on Jan 9th 2022
- Added session type override (host option)
- Added cayo perico "IPL"
- Added 5G crash [VIP]
- Added Yo Momma Crash [VIP]
- Updated crash protection
- Updated spoofer host token input validation
- Fixed tutorial keybinds
Version 2.41.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 24th 2021
- Added agency tp
- Added arcade and agency safe to business manager overlay
- Added new explosion types
- Added payphone hits to remove ceo work cooldowns
- Added session browser [VIP]
- Added set matchmaking region [VIP]
- Updated crash protection
- Updated all instances of scid to 64 bit unsigned integers
- Fixed business manager overlay nightclub safe
- Fixed moddedOutfits/moddedVehicles appdata dir creation
- Fixed broken mission launcher entries
- Fixed ped/veh throttler interval/limit/range onload values
- Patched first person sniper mk2 crash
Version 2.39.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 5th 2021
- Added ptfx protex
- Updated crash protex
- Fixed bug causing incoming chat messages to show up in the wrong channel
Version 2.38.0⚓︎
Released on Nov 28th 2021
- Updated crash protex
- Updated script kick
- Removed infinite apartment invite (patched by R* through bg script)
- Added LUA functions:
#### int64_t stat_get_i64(Hash hash) #### bool stat_set_i64(Hash hash, int64_t v, uint32_t|nil flags) #### uint64_t stat_get_u64(Hash hash) #### bool stat_set_u64(Hash hash, uint64_t v, uint32_t|nil flags) #### int32_t|nil stat_get_masked_int(Hash hash, int mask, int a3, int|nil a4) #### bool stat_set_masked_int(Hash hash, int32_t val, int mask, int a4, bool save) #### bool|nil stat_get_masked_bool(Hash hash, int mask, int|nil a3) #### bool stat_set_masked_bool(Hash hash, bool val, int mask, int a4, bool save) #### hash, int stat_get_bool_hash_and_mask(string stat, int index, int character) #### hash, int stat_get_int_hash_and_mask(string stat, int index, int character) #### void clear_all_notifications() #### void clear_visible_notifications() #### bool, v3|nil get_objective_coord() #### void rope_load_textures() #### void rope_unload_textures() #### bool rope_are_textures_loaded() #### int add_rope(v3 pos, v3 rot, float maxLen, int ropeType, float initLength, float minLength, float lengthChangeRate, bool onlyPPU, bool collisionOn, bool lockFromFront, float timeMultiplier, bool breakable) #### bool does_rope_exist(int rope) #### bool delete_rope(int rope) #### void attach_rope_to_entity(int rope, Entity e, v3 offset, bool a3) #### void attach_entities_to_rope(int rope, Entity ent1, Entity ent2, v3 pos_ent1, v3 pos_ent2, float len, int a7, int a8, string|nil boneName1, string|nil boneName2) #### void detach_rope_from_entity(int rope, Entity entity) #### void start_rope_unwinding_front(int rope) #### void start_rope_winding(int rope) #### void stop_rope_unwinding_front(int rope) #### void stop_rope_winding(int rope) #### void rope_force_length(int rope, float len) #### void activate_physics(Entity entity) #### string[] Feat.get_str_data() #### string[] PlayerFeat.get_str_data()
- Added LUA properties:
Version 2.37.0⚓︎
Released on Sep 14th 2021
- Added preview to vehicle mods customizer
- Added quick reload weapon modifier
- Added block chat from player
- Added org (CEO/MC) to player info window
- Added toggles for player info window rows
- Updated head blend customizer: Disabled init for non-mp ped models
- Updated business manager overlay
- Active column now optional
- Added option to hide inactive businesses
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.36.0⚓︎
Released on Aug 29th 2021
- Added SCID join detection protex [VIP]
- Added hotkey system
- F11 to bind
- SHIFT+F11 to unbind
- CTRL+F11 to show current
- Notifications for toggle features
- Notifications for action features
- Updated Business Manager
- Added more checks to see if the business is active
- Adjusted nightclub (hub) prices
- Added profile stat updates
- Fixed net event error bug
- Updated crash dump stack size
- Updated crash protection
- Updated ped throttler max range to 1000
Version 2.35.0⚓︎
Released on Aug 22nd 2021
- Updated Fake Friends
- Added option to add to friend list
- Added option to hide
- Added filter/search by (partial) name/scid
Version 2.34.0⚓︎
Released on Aug 17th 2021
- Updated for GTA v2372.2
- Added lobby host options:
- Name Spoof [VIP]
- SCID Spoof (Randomize) [VIP]
- IP Spoof [VIP]
- Host Token Counter Spoof [VIP]
- Added attach cluster protection
- Added vehicle throttler
- Updated join timeout
- Updated crash protection
- Updated Fake Friends
- Added stalk toggle per friend [VIP]
- Added join timeout toggle per friend
- Added show sc profile option
- Removed save option (autosave on any change now)
- Removed join timeout blacklist management (included in FakeFriends now)
Version 2.33.1⚓︎
Released on Aug 2nd 2021
- Fixed SE protex crash
- Fixed ini profile load/save/delete notification
- Fixed notification shake anim causing notifications to disappear
Version 2.33.0⚓︎
Released on Aug 1st 2021
- Added "track" wheel type
- Added auto shop to business tp
- Added IP Spoof detection
- Added lobby mission launcher [VIP]
- Added mission launch blocker
- Added join redirect [VIP]
- Redirect by SCID
- Set SCID from Fake Friends
- Added Services submenu
- Moved freemode cooldowns to Services
- Moved enable SecuroServ/MC to Services
- Moved BST to Services
- Moved deliver ammo/minigun to Services
- Added request airstrike, heli backup, heli pickup
- Fixed editor crash when detaching certain entities
- Updated join timeout
- Updated modded outfits & vehicles path logic
- Updated ped filter (mission)
- Updated objective tp
- Added exotic exports dock
- Added tuner heist prep supplies
- Added tuner heist fleeca locations (A,B,C,D,E,F)
- Updated supplies tp
- Added tuner heist prep supplies
- Updated heist remove camera filter
Version 2.32.0⚓︎
Released on July 20th 2021
- Updated for v2372 (1.57 online)
- Added new SCID spoof detection [VIP]
- Added info window to fake friends
- Added online status to fake friends [VIP]
- Added fake friends watchdog (stalker) [VIP]
- Added remove outfit restrictions
- Fixed vehicle preview deadlock
- Fixed model spoof invalid model notification duration
- Updated admin detect by IP
- Removed casino rig slot machines [VIP]
- Removed set lobby weather/time
- Removed custom (local) xenon color/intensity
Version 2.31.0⚓︎
Released on July 10th 2021
- Added bro hug crash [VIP]
- Added option to disable area local object modder detection
- Updated crash dump
- Updated crash protection
- Updated async logger: double buffering
- Updated area local object filter
- Fixed rare incoming script event crash
- Fixed script event log extra linefeed
- Removed freemode crash log
- Removed "Disable Sync Crash Type Mismatch 2"
Version 2.30.0⚓︎
Released on July 4th 2021
- Added option to anchor notification from top
- Added text scale options to ESP
- Added optional font param to scriptdraw.draw_text
- Added "street" wheels to mobile LSC
- Added ESP on self option
- Added ped head blend submenu to outfitter
- Added to head blend info to model changer's outfit saver
- Added scid join option to join timeout
- Added notifications to join timeout
- Added option to LUA to disable write access for globals, locals and stats
- Updated notification fade out animations to smooth out y clipping
- Updated world coord projection logic
- Updated ESP screen line logic to reduce inversion errors
- Updated crash protection
- Updated modder detection
- Updated vehicle spawn preview
- no respawns while menu is closed
- preview turned invisible when menu is closed
- preview removed on spawn
- added option for respawn on out of range
- Updated playerfeat.value and feat.value for value_str /w write access
- Optimized bone ESP
- Fixed "Enable Splash Screen" typo
- Fixed input box default text max length
- Fixed new ini profile not being loaded when one with the same name was deleted
- Fixed bug in delete_feature when deleting a parent that still has children
- Fixed mark as admin notification (removed
) - Removed FW1 renderer; You can use the included ui_unicode archive to display a wide range of unicode characters
- Removed crew kick and crew kick protection (patched by R*)
- Removed scriptdraw.wdraw_text, utils.string_to_wstring, utils.wstring_to_string
- Added LUA functions:
#### void set_text_right_justify(bool b) #### void set_text_justification(int j) #### float get_vehicle_estimated_max_speed(Vehicle veh) #### int|nil get_vehicle_wheel_count(Vehicle veh) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_tire_radius(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_rim_radius(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_tire_width(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_rotation_speed(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_tire_radius(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_rim_radius(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_tire_width(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_rotation_speed(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_render_size(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_render_size(Vehicle veh, float size) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_render_width(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_render_width(Vehicle veh, float width) #### void set_vehicle_tire_fixed(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_power(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_power(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_health(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_health(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_brake_pressure(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_brake_pressure(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_traction_vector_length(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_traction_vector_length(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_x_offset(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_x_offset(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### float|nil get_vehicle_wheel_y_rotation(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_y_rotation(Vehicle veh, int idx, float v) #### int get_vehicle_wheel_flags(Vehicle veh, int idx) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_flags(Vehicle veh, int idx, int v) #### bool set_vehicle_wheel_is_powered(Vehicle veh, int idx, int v) #### int|nil get_vehicle_class(Vehicle veh) #### string|nil get_vehicle_class_name(Vehicle veh) #### string|nil get_vehicle_brand(Vehicle veh) #### string|nil get_vehicle_model(Vehicle veh) #### string|nil get_vehicle_brand_label(Vehicle veh) #### string|nil get_vehicle_model_label(Vehicle veh) #### bool delete_player_feature(uint32_t id) #### bool is_trusted_mode_enabled() #### v2 get_sprite_origin(uint32_t id) #### v2 get_sprite_size(uint32_t id) #### v2 get_text_size(string text, float|nil scale, int|nil font) #### [...]|nil get_ped_head_blend_data(Ped ped) #### bool set_ped_head_blend_data(Ped ped, int shape_first, int shape_second, int shape_third, int skin_first, int skin_second, int skin_third, float mix_shape, float mix_skin, float mix_third) #### float|nil get_ped_face_feature(Ped ped, uint32_t id) #### bool set_ped_face_feature(Ped ped, uint32_t id, float val) #### int|nil get_ped_hair_color(Ped ped) #### int|nil get_ped_hair_highlight_color(Ped ped) #### int|nil get_ped_eye_color(Ped ped) #### bool set_ped_hair_colors(Ped ped, int color, int highlight) #### bool set_ped_eye_color(Ped ped, int color) #### bool set_ped_head_overlay(Ped ped, uint32_t overlayID, int val, float opacity) #### int|nil get_ped_head_overlay_value(Ped ped, uint32_t overlayID) #### float|nil get_ped_head_overlay_opacity(Ped ped, uint32_t overlayID) #### bool set_ped_head_overlay_color(Ped ped, uint32_t overlayID, int colorType, int color, int highlight) #### int|nil get_ped_head_overlay_color_type(Ped ped, uint32_t overlayID) #### int|nil get_ped_head_overlay_color(Ped ped, uint32_t overlayID) #### int|nil get_ped_head_overlay_highlight_color(Ped ped, uint32_t overlayID) #### Object create_world_object(Hash model, v3 pos, bool networked, bool dynamic) #### bool is_model_a_world_object(Hash ulHash) #### float|nil get_global_f(uint32_t i) #### int|nil get_global_i(uint32_t i) #### bool set_global_f(uint32_t i, float v) #### bool set_global_i(uint32_t i, int v) #### float|nil get_local_f(Hash script, uint32_t i) #### int|nil get_local_i(Hash script, uint32_t i) #### bool set_local_f(Hash script, uint32_t i, float v) #### bool set_local_i(Hash script, uint32_t i, int v)
- Updated UI:
- Added separate fonts for UI elements, to reduce sprite scaling
- Updated info overlay and business overlay text scaling to work with new fonts
- Optimized menu bg rendering
- Updated renderer layout/skin definitions to allow for better independent customization
- Added layout/skin customization
- Moved customized UI values to separate INI
- Updated font customization (load as many fonts as you want)
- Updated header customization (load as many headers as you want)
Version 2.29.0⚓︎
Released on June 20th 2021
- Added LUA warning handler (writes to log)
- Added ped spawn throttler
- Added entity (ped) spam user input [VIP]
- Added player model spoofer [VIP]
- Added lobby bail/netsplit
- Added chat spoof [VIP]
- Added custom notification feed
- Added enforce ASCII player names
- Added log leaving players
- Added super jump modder detection
- Updated big vehicle limiter
- Updated log joining players to log to player.log
- Updated event loggers to log to script_event.log and net_event.log
- Updated R* admin detection
- Updated LUA player.add_modder_flag to return existing flag instead of 0 on duplicate
- Updated LUA class type validation
- Updated LUA print: now takes n args
- Optimized text rendering
- Optimized render queue memory allocations
- Fixed player leave event misfire
- Fixed stutter when a player joins
- Fixed tp personal vehicle to me (missing request control)
- Fixed ped bone esp crash
- Fixed LUA value_str for PlayerFeat
- Fixed LUA ui.get_label_text
- Fixed LUA script handler coroutine cleanup on error
- Fixed LUA v2 and v3 math meta functions (__add, __sub, __mul, __div)
- Fixed LUA give_delayed_weapon_to_ped (BOOL->bool)
- Removed (poor) scid spoof and scid 0 modder detection options (they're non-optional now)
- Removed SCID 0 modder flag (now marked as SCID Spoof)
- Removed ytd file for notification icon
- Changes to LUA PlayerFeat class
- Added properties: on, value, min, max, mod
- Added function: void set_str_data(string[] data)
- Changes to LUA IO:
- Added extension validation to
- Added path validation to io.remove
- Added path validation to util.get_all_files_in_directory, util.get_all_sub_directories_in_directory, util.file_exists, util.dir_exists, util.make_dir
- Renamed LUA particle_fx to ptfx
- Added LUA functions:
#### int|nil get_vehicle_current_gear(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_current_gear(Vehicle veh, int gear) #### int|nil get_vehicle_next_gear(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_next_gear(Vehicle veh, int gear) #### int|nil get_vehicle_max_gear(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_max_gear(Vehicle veh, int gear) #### float|nil get_vehicle_gear_ratio(Vehicle veh, int gear) #### bool set_vehicle_gear_ratio(Vehicle veh, int gear, float ratio) #### float|nil get_vehicle_rpm(Vehicle veh) #### bool get_vehicle_has_been_owned_by_player(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_has_been_owned_by_player(Vehicle veh, bool owned) #### float|nil get_vehicle_steer_bias(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_steer_bias(Vehicle veh, float v) #### bool get_vehicle_reduce_grip(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_reduce_grip(Vehicle veh, bool t) #### Ptfx start_networked_ptfx_looped_on_entity(string name, Entity e, v3 offset, v3 rot, float scale) #### bool start_networked_ptfx_non_looped_on_entity(string name, Entity e, v3 offset, v3 rot, float scale) #### Ptfx start_networked_ptfx_looped_at_coord(string name, v3 pos, v3 rot, float scale, bool xAxis, bool yAxis, bool zAxis) #### void remove_named_ptfx_asset(string name) #### float get_control_normal(int inputGroup, int control) #### bool set_control_normal(int inputGroup, int control, float value) #### void notify(string message, string|nil title, uint32_t|nil seconds, uint32_t|nil color)
Version 2.28.0⚓︎
Released on June 6th 2021
- Added mass player interrupt [VIP]
- Added send invite to org [VIP]
- Added invite yourself to org [VIP]
- Added village people 360 kick
- Updated crash protection
- Updated modder detection
- Fixed saved vehicle s2w
- Fixed saved outfit s2w
- Removed sync crash 1 & 2
- Moved Dismiss CEO and CEO Ban to Organization submenu
- Updated LUA 5.4.3
- Added LUA functions
#### float decor_get_float(Entity entity, string name) #### bool decor_set_float(Entity entity, string name, float value) #### bool decor_get_bool(Entity entity, string name) #### bool decor_set_bool(Entity entity, string name, bool value) #### bool decor_set_time(Entity entity, string name, int value) #### bool task_play_anim(Ped ped, string dict, string anim, float speed, float speedMult, int duration, int flag, float playbackRate, bool lockX, bool lockY, bool lockZ) #### void stop_anim_task(Ped ped, const char* dict, const char* anim, float a4) #### void remove_anim_dict(string szName) #### void remove_anim_set(string szName) #### int get_current_notification() #### void remove_notification(int id)
Added LUA feature types
Name Description value_f
Toggle feature with float value slider
Toggle feature with slider value_str
Toggle feature with string values action_value_f
Action feature with float value action_slider
Action feature with slider action_value_str
Action feature with string values autoaction_value_f
Auto Action feature with float value autoaction_slider
Auto Action feature with slider autoaction_value_str
Auto Action feature with string values -
Changes to LUA Feat class
- Deprecated properties: value_i, min_i, max_i, mod_i
- Added properties: value, min, max, mod
- Added function: void set_str_data(string[] data)
Version 2.27.0⚓︎
Released on May 15th 2021
- Added big vehicle protection/limiter
- Updated crash protection
- Updated modder detection
Version 2.25.0⚓︎
Released on Apr 18th 2021
- Added Kult FM, Still Slipping and Music Locker
- Fixed raw input for DELETE
- Fixed input for NUM+ (now NUMPLUS)
- Removed next radio station track
Version 2.24.0⚓︎
Released on Apr 11th 2021
- Added Big Dick menu layout
- Updated crash protection
- Fixed raw input for L/R CONTROL/SHIFT/ALT and NUM/*-+.
Version 2.22.0⚓︎
Released on Mar 16th 2021
- Updated for v2245 (1.54 online)
- Disabled spoofer
- Disabled network halt
Version 2.21.0⚓︎
Released on Mar 14th 2021
- Added netcatalog "boost"
- Updated crash protection
- Removed internet money
Version 2.20.0⚓︎
Released on Feb 28th 2021
- Updated crash protection
- Updated internal logic to allow for pedless players
Version 2.19.0⚓︎
Released on Feb 21st 2021
- Added SE Spam modder detection
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.17.0⚓︎
Released on Feb 7th 2021
- Added instant vehicle boost recharge
- Added block all option to join timeout
- Added Clear Entities In Radius
- Added Clear Invisible Entities In Radius
- Added Set Targeting Mode
- Added Prevent Lock-On (Vehicle)
- Added Block Spectate Detection
- Added LUA functions
- Updated crash protection
- Updated cage protection
- Disabled crash dump by default (CRASH_DUMP=1 under [Version] in ini to turn it on)
Version 2.16.0⚓︎
Released on Jan 31st 2021
- Added player rotation net sync spoof
- Added host token to player info window
- Added host priority to player info window
- Added force script host [VIP]
- Added altered host token modder detection
- Added join timeout
- Altered Host Token
- Poor SCID Spoof
- SCID Blacklist
- Added host token to spoofer [VIP]
- Fixed SCID joiner when joining someone with spoofed scid
Version 2.15.0⚓︎
Released on Jan 24th 2021
- Added "shoot" option to remove guard (casino/perico heist)
- Added collectable pickup protex
- Added option to disable sync crash "Sync type mismatch 2" modder detection
- Updated objective teleport blips
- Updated modder detection
- Updated crash protection
- Fixed FW1 crash on unload
- Fixed menu position init when using legacy or classic style
- Fixed bool stat set on unload
- Fixed spoofer x offset for selected window
- Fixed crash on inject due to bad std::vector memmove (thanks mikeysoft)
- Removed suspicious activity modder detection
- LUA changes:
- Removed rawset
- Removed rawget
- Fixed set_heli_blades_full_speed
Version 2.14.0⚓︎
Released on Jan 3rd 2021
- Added unlock all doors (perico heist)
- Updated crash protection
- Updated objective teleport blips
- Updated hooking lib
- Fixed unloading not freeing memory
- Fixed casino heist loot bot
- Fixed LUA event handler registration in autoexec
- Fixed OTR
Version 2.13.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 24th 2020
- Removed force join (Patched by R*)
- Removed force join protection
Version 2.12.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 23rd 2020
- Added crash/crash all options back [VIP]
- Added notify when player spectates me
- Added R* Dev to spoofer [VIP]
- Added crew kick [VIP]
- Addec crew kick protection
- Added find bolt cutters / grappling hooks / clothees (perico heist)
- Added option to kill security guard instead of remove (casino/perico heist)
- Updated crash protection
- Updated spectator entry in player info window
- Updated mobile base teleport blips
- Updated objective teleport blips
- Updated remove cameras (casino/perico heist)
- Fixed spoofer crash when using '%'
- Removed 2B recovery option
- Added LUA functions:
Version 2.11.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 19th 2020
- Added force join protection
- Added force join (fake friends / input) [VIP]
- Added 2B recovery option [VIP]
- New SCID joiner implementation [VIP]
Version 2.10.1⚓︎
Released on Dec 17th 2020
- Fixed SEP
- Fixed IPL crashing
- Fixed no-recoil
- Fixed LUA stat_get_int
Version 2.10.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 15th 2020
- Updated for new GTAO patch
- Removed (non-sync) crash and crash all options (patched by R*)
Version 2.8.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 12th 2020
- Added Crew Tag Spoofer [VIP]
- Updated crash protection
- Added vehicle rotation spoof
- Added vehicle position spoof
- Disabled money recovery features
- LUA changes:
- Replaced
with Proddy's customrequire
function - Removed io.popen
- Replaced
Version 2.7.0⚓︎
Released on Dec 6th 2020
- Added new crash [VIP]
- Added "suspicious activity" modder detection
- Fixed SCID spoofer [VIP]
- Added modder detection whitelist (friends/player)
- LUA changes:
- Removed os table entries:
- execute
- rename
- remove
- exit
- setlocale
- Removed package table entries:
- loadlib
- Changes to io table:
- Restricted to "PopstarDevs\2TakeMenu" roaming appdata directory
- Added io.remove (restricted to "PopstarDevs\2TakeMenu" roaming appdata directory)
- Removed os table entries:
Version 2.6.0⚓︎
Released on Nov 29th 2020
- Added fill (remote) net pools (entity spam) [VIP]
- Added send player interrupt [VIP]
- Added player interrupt protection
- Added block global broadcast from player/modders
- Added LUA functions
#### bool set_blip_as_mission_creator_blip(Blip blip, bool toggle) #### bool is_mission_creator_blip(Blip blip) #### Blip add_blip_for_radius(v3 pos, float radius) #### Blip add_blip_for_pickup(Pickup pickup) #### Blip add_blip_for_coord(v3 pos) #### void set_blip_coord(Blip blip, v3 coord) #### v3 get_blip_coord(Blip blip) #### bool remove_blip(Blip blip) #### void set_blip_route(Blip blip, bool toggle) #### void set_blip_route_color(Blip blip, int32_t color)
Version 2.5.0⚓︎
Released on Oct 11th 2020
- Reimplemented biker businesses in business manager [VIP]
- LUA:
- Added
to package.cpath - Added
in package.path - Added functions:
#### bool shoot_single_bullet_between_coords(v3 start, v3 end, int32_t damage, Hash weapon, Ped owner, bool audible, bool invisible, float speed) #### int get_entity_bone_index_by_name(Entity entity, string name) #### int32_t get_vehicle_headlight_color(Vehicle v) #### bool set_vehicle_headlight_color(Vehicle v, int32_t color) #### void set_heli_blades_full_speed(Vehicle v) #### void set_heli_blades_speed(Vehicle v, float speed) #### string|nil get_friend_index_name(uint32_t index) #### bool is_friend_index_online(uint32_t index) #### bool is_scid_friend(uint32_t scid) #### void set_vehicle_parachute_active(Vehicle v, bool toggle) #### bool does_vehicle_have_parachute(Vehicle v) #### bool can_vehicle_parachute_be_activated(Vehicle v) #### int32_t|nil stat_get_int(Hash hash, int unk0) #### float|nil stat_get_float(Hash hash, int unk0) #### bool|nil stat_get_bool(Hash hash, int unk0) #### bool stat_set_int(Hash hash, int32_t value, bool save) #### bool stat_set_float(Hash hash, float value, bool save) #### bool stat_set_bool(Hash hash, bool value, bool save)
- Added
- Added event hooks instructions/warning
- Added new crash [VIP]
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.4.0⚓︎
Released on Sep 8th 2020
- Added Casino Chip Recovery [VIP]
- Add 5M Chips
- Add 2.5M Chips (Looped/Toggle)
- Sell Chips (10M - 100M)
- Added Business Manager [VIP]
- Added LUA functions
- (Re-) Added (improved) no weapon spinup
- Removed modder detection from clone protection
- Fixed empty input crash
- Fixed ped.create_group()
- Updated net sync protection
- Updated crash protection
Version 2.3.2⚓︎
Released on Aug 16th 2020
- Fixed is_ped_shooting (also fixed mass gravity gun)
- Fixed ped clone stuffs
- Fixed entity cleanup crash when deleting attached clones
- Fixed false positive net sync crash when spawning certain vehicles
- Fixed LUA event hooks
Version 2.3.1⚓︎
Released on August 13th 2020
- Fixed vehicle despawn
- Fixed enable securoserv/mc
- Disabled scid spoofer
- Fixed SEP
- Fixed missing pattern after launcher update
Version 2.3.0⚓︎
Released on August 11th 2020
- Updated for GTA Online v1.51
- Added missing v2::__tostring to LUA
- LUA event listeners always create a new thread (except the Exit event)
- Fixed d3d flickering
- Fixed ped group logic
- Fixed ped config logic
- Updated net sync protections
- Updated crash protections
- Added net sync crash [VIP]
- Added LUA functions
#### Group create_group() #### void remove_group(Group group) #### void set_ped_as_group_leader(Ped ped, Group group) #### void remove_ped_from_group(Ped ped) #### bool is_ped_group_member(Ped ped, Group group) #### bool set_group_formation_spacing(Group group, float a2, float a3, float a4) #### bool reset_group_formation_default_spacing(Group group) #### void set_ped_never_leaves_group(Ped ped, bool toggle) #### bool does_group_exist(Group group) #### bool is_ped_in_group(Ped ped) #### void set_create_random_cops(bool t) #### bool can_create_random_cops() #### bool is_ped_swimming(Ped ped) #### bool is_ped_swimming_underwater(Ped ped) #### void clear_relationship_between_groups(Hash group1, Hash group2) #### void set_relationship_between_groups(int relation, Hash group1, Hash group2) #### bool has_scaleform_movie_loaded(Any scaleform) #### void set_scaleform_movie_as_no_longer_needed(Any scaleform) #### bool is_player_valid(Player player)
Version 2.2.1⚓︎
Released on July 5th 2020
- Fixed LUA add_feature param defaulting for a3 and a4
Version 2.2.0⚓︎
Released on July 5th 2020
- New version scheme
- Fixed getting kicked from heist due to scid spoofing
- Fixed LUA feat.hidden setter
- Added entity pools to the info overlay
- Fixed get_all_peds/vehicles/objects/pickups LUA functions
- LUA stack trace
- Added LUA MenuKey class
- Updated info overlay rendering method
- Added right align option to info overlay
- Added auto refill ammo
- Updated net sync protections
- Fixed bug when backing out of spoofer sub menu after deleting a profile
- Added two (cooperative-) threading modes
- Added ability to set renderer from settings menu
- Permanent bunker research unlocks
- Added PlayerJoinEvent
- Added PlayerLeaveEvent
- Added ScriptEvent
- Fixed ini profile notifications
- Added LUA feat id recycling
- Implemented LUA native coroutines and deprecated Feat.threaded (all features can use system.wait now)
- Improved LUA print function
- Added __tostring function to v3, Regex and RegexResult
- Added LUA functions
#### string get_version() #### PlayerFeat add_player_feature(string name, string type, integer parent, function script_handler) #### PlayerFeat get_player_feature(uint32_t i) #### bool is_threading_mode(int mode) #### Thread create_thread(function callback, * context) #### bool has_thread_finished(Thread id) #### bool delete_thread(Thread id) #### int str_to_vk(string keyName) #### wstring string_to_wstring(string str) #### string wstring_to_string(wstring str) #### vector<string> get_all_files_in_directory(string path, string extension) #### vector<string> get_all_sub_directories_in_directory(string path) #### bool file_exists(string path) #### bool dir_exists(string path) #### string get_appdata_path(string dir, string file) #### string from_clipboard() #### void to_clipboard(string str) #### int time() #### int time_ms() #### vector<uint64_t> str_to_vecu64(string str) #### string vecu64_to_str(vector<uint64_t> vec) #### void draw_text(string text, v2 pos, v2 size, float scale, uint32_t color, uint32_t flags) #### void wdraw_text(wstring text, v2 pos, v2 size, float scale, uint32_t color, uint32_t flags) #### uint32_t register_sprite(string path) #### void draw_sprite(uint32_t id, v2 pos, float scale, float rot, uint32_t color) #### void draw_line(v2 start, v2 end, uint32_t size, uint32_t color) #### void draw_rect(v2 pos, v2 size, uint32_t color) #### float pos_pixel_to_rel_x(float in) #### float pos_pixel_to_rel_y(float in) #### float pos_rel_to_pixel_x(float in) #### float pos_rel_to_pixel_y(float in) #### float size_pixel_to_rel_x(float in) #### float size_pixel_to_rel_y(float in) #### float size_rel_to_pixel_x(float in) #### float size_rel_to_pixel_y(float in) #### void set_waypoint_off() #### void set_entity_lights(Entity entity, bool toggle) #### void set_entity_max_speed(Entity entity, float speed) #### float get_entity_pitch(Entity entity) #### float get_entity_roll(Entity e) #### v3 get_entity_physics_rotation(Entity e) #### float get_entity_physics_heading(Entity e) #### float get_entity_physics_pitch(Entity e) #### float get_entity_physics_roll(Entity e) #### bool does_entity_have_physics(Entity entity) #### v3 get_entity_rotation_velocity(Entity entity) #### float get_entity_submerged_level(Entity entity) #### int32_t get_entity_population_type(Entity entity) #### bool is_entity_static(Entity entity) #### bool is_entity_in_zone(Entity entity, string zone) #### bool is_entity_upright(Entity entity, float angle) #### bool is_entity_upside_down(Entity entity) #### bool has_entity_been_damaged_by_any_object(Entity entity) #### bool has_entity_been_damaged_by_any_vehicle(Entity entity) #### bool has_entity_been_damaged_by_any_ped(Entity entity) #### bool has_entity_been_damaged_by_entity(Entity e1, Entity e2) #### bool does_entity_have_drawable(Entity entity) #### bool has_entity_collided_with_anything(Entity entity) #### Entity get_entity_entity_has_collided_with(Entity entity) #### void modify_vehicle_top_speed(Vehicle veh, float f) #### void set_vehicle_engine_torque_multiplier_this_frame(Vehicle veh, float f) #### float get_waves_intensity() #### void set_waves_intensity(float intensity) #### void reset_waves_intensity() #### void set_cloud_hat_opacity(float opacity) #### float get_cloud_hat_opacity() #### void preload_cloud_hat(const char* szName) #### void clear_cloud_hat() #### void load_cloud_hat(const char* szName, float transitionTime) #### void unload_cloud_hat(const char* szName, float a2) #### Any request_scaleform_movie(string szName) #### bool begin_scaleform_movie_method(Any scaleform, string szMethod) #### void scaleform_movie_method_add_param_texture_name_string(string val) #### void scaleform_movie_method_add_param_int(int32_t val) #### void scaleform_movie_method_add_param_float(float val) #### void scaleform_movie_method_add_param_bool(bool val) #### void draw_scaleform_movie_fullscreen(Any scaleform, int r, int g, int b, int a, int a6) #### void draw_scaleform_movie(Any scaleform, float x, float y, float w, float h, int r, int g, int b, int a, int a10) #### void end_scaleform_movie_method() #### void draw_marker(Any type, v3 pos, v3 dir, v3 rot, v3 scale, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, bool bobUpAndDown, bool faceCam, int a12, bool rotate, string|nil textureDict, string|nil textureName, bool drawOntEnts) #### Any create_checkpoint(Any type, v3 thisPos, v3 nextPos, float radius, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, int reserved) #### void set_checkpoint_icon_height(Any checkpoint, float height) #### void set_checkpoint_cylinder_height(Any checkpoint, float nearHeight, float farHeight, float radius) #### void set_checkpoint_rgba(Any checkpoint, int r, int g, int b, int a) #### void set_checkpoint_icon_rgba(Any checkpoint, int r, int g, int b, int a) #### void delete_checkpoint(Any checkpoint) #### bool is_model_a_bike(Hash ulHash) #### bool is_model_a_car(Hash ulHash) #### bool is_model_a_bicycle(Hash ulHash) #### bool is_model_a_quad(Hash ulHash) #### bool is_model_a_boat(Hash ulHash) #### bool is_model_a_train(Hash ulHash) #### bool is_model_an_object(Hash ulHash) #### bool is_model_a_ped(Hash ulHash) #### bool, float get_ground_z(v3 pos) #### uint64_t get_frame_count() #### float get_frame_time() #### void task_vehicle_drive_to_coord_longrange(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, v3 pos, float speed, int mode, float stopRange) #### void task_shoot_at_entity(Entity entity, Entity target, int duration, Hash firingPattern) #### void task_vehicle_escort(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, Vehicle targetVehicle, int mode, float speed, int drivingStyle, float minDistance, int a8, float noRoadsDistance) #### void task_vehicle_follow(Ped driver, Vehicle vehicle, Entity targetEntity, float speed, int drivingStyle, int minDistance) #### void task_vehicle_drive_to_coord(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, v3 coord, float speed, int a5, Hash vehicleModel, int driveMode, float stopRange, float a9) #### void task_vehicle_shoot_at_coord(Ped ped, v3 coord, float a3) #### void task_vehicle_shoot_at_ped(Ped ped, Ped target, float a3) #### void task_vehicle_aim_at_coord(Ped ped, v3 coord) #### void task_vehicle_aim_at_ped(Ped ped, Ped target) #### void task_stay_in_cover(Ped ped) #### void task_go_to_coord_while_aiming_at_coord(Ped ped, v3 gotoCoord, v3 aimCoord, float moveSpeed, bool a5, float a6, float a7, bool a8, Any flags, bool a10, Hash firingPattern) #### void task_go_to_coord_while_aiming_at_entity(Ped ped, v3 gotoCoord, Entity target, float moveSpeed, bool a5, float a6, float a7, bool a8, Any flags, bool a10, Hash firingPattern) #### void task_go_to_entity_while_aming_at_coord(Ped ped, Entity gotoEntity, v3 aimCoord, float a4, bool shoot, float a6, float a7, bool a8, bool a9, Hash firingPattern) #### void task_go_to_entity_while_aiming_at_entity(Ped ped, Entity gotoEntity, Entity target, float a4, bool shoot, float a6, float a7, bool a8, bool a9, Hash firingPattern) #### void task_open_vehicle_door(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, int timeOut, int doorIndex, float speed) #### void task_enter_vehicle(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, int timeout, int seat, float speed, uint32_t flag, Any p6) #### void task_leave_vehicle(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, uint32_t flag) #### void task_sky_dive(Ped ped, bool a2) #### void task_parachute(Ped ped, bool a2, bool a3) #### void task_parachute_to_target(Ped ped, v3 coord) #### void set_parachute_task_target(Ped ped, v3 coord) #### void set_parachute_task_thrust(Ped ped, float thrust) #### void task_rappel_from_heli(Ped ped, float a2) #### void task_vehicle_chase(Ped driver, Entity target) #### void set_task_vehicle_chase_behaviour_flag(Ped ped, int flag, bool set) #### void set_task_vehicle_chase_ideal_persuit_distance(Ped ped, float dist) #### void task_shoot_gun_at_coord(Ped ped, v3 coord, int duration, Hash firingPattern) #### void task_aim_gun_at_coord(Ped ped, v3 coord, int time, bool a4, bool a5) #### void task_turn_ped_to_face_entity(Ped ped, Entity entity, int duration) #### void task_aim_gun_at_entity(Ped ped, Entity entity, int duration, bool a4) #### bool is_task_active(Ped ped, Any taskId) #### bool hit, v3 hitPos, v3 hitSurf, Hash hitMat, Entity hitEnt raycast(v3 start, v3 end, int intersect, Entity ignore) #### v2 @property float x @property float y @constructor v2() @constructor v2(float) @constructor v2(float, float) @method v2 __add(v2|v3|float) @method v2 __sub(v2|v3|float) @method v2 __mul(v2|v3|float) @method v2 __div(v2|v3|float) @method bool __eq(v2) @method bool __lt(v2) @method bool __le(v2) @method float magnitude(v2|nil) #### v3 @property float x @property float y @property float z @constructor v3() @constructor v3(float) @constructor v3(float, float, float) @method v3 __add(v2|v3|float) @method v3 __sub(v2|v3|float) @method v3 __mul(v2|v3|float) @method v3 __div(v2|v3|float) @method bool __eq(v3) @method bool __lt(v3) @method bool __le(v3) @method float magnitude(v3|nil) @method void transformRotToDir() @method void radToDeg() @method void degToRad()
- Updated LUA functions
#### bool, v3 get_ped_bone_coords(Ped ped, Hash boneId, v3 offset) #### bool, v3 get_ped_last_weapon_impact(Ped ped) #### bool set_ped_config_flag(Ped ped, int flag, uint8_t value) #### bool, v3 get_entity_offset_from_coords(Entity lEntity, v3 coords) #### bool, v3 get_entity_offset_from_entity(Entity lEntity, Entity lEntity2) #### void set_entity_as_mission_entity(Entity entity, bool toggle, bool unk) #### Any get_interior_at_coords_with_type(const v3 coords, string interiorType)
- Deprecated LUA functions
Version 2.1.8⚓︎
Released on June 14th 2020
- Added drive by with two handed weapons
- Added drive by from any automobile
- Added 3 input methods (Win KeyState, Win KeyboardState and Raw)
- Added missing options to rig lucky wheel
- Fixed menu colors, esp colors and input method not properly loading when a profile gets loaded
- Improved weapon attachments management
- Fixed refill ammo for (some) mk2 guns
- Updated give player wanted
- Included burst tires options with standard
- Added dynamic weapon pools
- Added weapon loadout [VIP]
- Added dynamic vehicle pools
- Added LUA functions
#### void task_start_scenario_in_place(Ped ped, string name, int unkDelay, bool playEnterAnim); #### void task_start_scenario_at_position(Ped ped, string name, v3 coord, float heading, int duration, bool sittingScenario, bool teleport); #### void task_stand_guard(Ped ped, v3 coord, float heading, string name); #### void play_anim_on_running_scenario(Ped ped, string dict, string name); #### bool does_scenario_group_exist(string name); #### bool is_scenario_group_enabled(string name); #### bool set_scenario_group_enabled(string name, bool b); #### void reset_scenario_groups_enabled(); #### bool set_exclusive_scenario_group(string name); #### bool reset_exclusive_scenario_group(); #### bool is_scenario_type_enabled(string name); #### bool set_scenario_type_enabled(string name, bool b); #### void reset_scenario_types_enabled(); #### bool is_ped_active_in_scenario(Ped ped); #### void set_vehicle_density_multipliers_this_frame(float mult) #### void set_random_vehicle_density_multiplier_this_frame(float mult) #### void set_parked_vehicle_density_multiplier_this_frame(float mult) #### void set_ambient_vehicle_range_multiplier_this_frame(float mult) #### bool is_vehicle_rocket_boost_active(Vehicle veh) #### void set_vehicle_rocket_boost_active(Vehicle veh, bool toggle) #### void set_vehicle_rocket_boost_percentage(Vehicle veh, float percentage) #### void set_vehicle_rocket_boost_refill_time(Vehicle veh, float refillTime) #### void control_landing_gear(Vehicle veh, int32_t state) #### int32_t get_landing_gear_state(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_livery(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_livery(Vehicle veh, int32_t index) #### bool is_vehicle_stopped(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_number_of_passengers(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_max_number_of_passengers(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_model_number_of_seats(Hash modelHash) #### int32_t get_vehicle_livery_count(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_roof_livery_count(Vehicle veh) #### bool is_vehicle_model(Vehicle veh, Hash model) #### bool is_vehicle_stuck_on_roof(Vehicle veh) #### void set_vehicle_doors_locked_for_player(Vehicle veh, Player player, bool toggle) #### bool get_vehicle_doors_locked_for_player(Vehicle veh, Player player) #### void set_vehicle_doors_locked_for_all_players(Vehicle veh, bool toggle) #### void set_vehicle_doors_locked_for_non_script_players(Vehicle veh, bool toggle) #### void set_vehicle_doors_locked_for_team(Vehicle veh, int32_t team, bool toggle) #### void explode_vehicle(Vehicle veh, bool isAudible, bool isInvisible) #### void set_vehicle_out_of_control(Vehicle veh, bool killDriver, bool explodeOnImpact) #### void set_vehicle_timed_explosion(Vehicle veh, Ped ped, bool toggle) #### void add_vehicle_phone_explosive_device(Vehicle veh) #### bool has_vehicle_phone_explosive_device() #### void detonate_vehicle_phone_explosive_device() #### void set_taxi_lights(Vehicle veh, bool state) #### bool is_taxi_light_on(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_colors(Vehicle veh, int32_t primary, int32_t secondary) #### bool set_vehicle_extra_colors(Vehicle veh, int32_t pearl, int32_t wheel) #### int32_t get_vehicle_primary_color(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_secondary_color(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_pearlecent_color(Vehicle veh) #### int32_t get_vehicle_wheel_color(Vehicle veh) #### bool set_vehicle_fullbeam(Vehicle veh, bool toggle) #### void set_vehicle_custom_primary_colour(Vehicle veh, uint32_t color) #### uint32_t get_vehicle_custom_primary_colour(Vehicle veh) #### void clear_vehicle_custom_primary_colour(Vehicle veh) #### bool is_vehicle_primary_colour_custom(Vehicle veh) #### void set_vehicle_custom_secondary_colour(Vehicle veh, uint32_t color) #### uint32_t get_vehicle_custom_secondary_colour(Vehicle veh) #### void clear_vehicle_custom_secondary_colour(Vehicle veh) #### bool is_vehicle_secondary_colour_custom(Vehicle veh) #### void set_vehicle_custom_pearlescent_colour(Vehicle veh, uint32_t color) #### uint32_t get_vehicle_custom_pearlescent_colour(Vehicle veh) #### void set_vehicle_custom_wheel_colour(Vehicle veh, uint32_t color) #### uint32_t get_vehicle_custom_wheel_colour(Vehicle veh) #### string get_livery_name(Vehicle veh, int32_t livery) #### void set_vehicle_window_tint(Vehicle veh, int32_t t) #### int32_t get_vehicle_window_tint(Vehicle veh) #### vector<Hash> get_all_vehicle_model_hashes() #### vector<Vehicle> get_all_vehicles() #### void set_ped_density_multiplier_this_frame(float mult) #### void set_scenario_ped_density_multiplier_this_frame(float m1, float m2) #### vector<Ped> get_all_peds() #### vector<Object> get_all_objects() #### vector<Pickup> get_all_pickups() #### vector<Entity> get_all_entities() #### int register_net_event_hook(function callback) #### bool remove_net_event_hook(int id) #### void remove_weapon_component_from_ped(Ped ped, Hash weapon, Hash component) #### bool has_ped_got_weapon_component(Ped ped, Hash weapon, Hash component) #### Hash get_ped_ammo_type_from_weapon(Ped ped, Hash weapon) #### void set_ped_ammo_by_type(Ped ped, Hash type, uint32_t amount) #### bool has_ped_got_weapon(Ped ped, Hash weapon) #### vector<Hash> get_all_weapon_hashes() #### string get_weapon_name(Hash weapon) #### int get_weapon_weapon_wheel_slot(Hash weapon) #### Hash get_weapon_model(Hash weapon) #### Hash get_weapon_audio_item(Hash weapon) #### Hash get_weapon_slot(Hash weapon) #### int get_weapon_ammo_type(Hash weapon) #### Hash get_weapon_weapon_group(Hash weapon) #### Hash get_weapon_weapon_type(Hash weapon) #### Hash get_weapon_pickup(Hash weapon) #### bool is_hud_component_active(int32_t componentId) #### void show_hud_component_this_frame(int32_t componentId) #### bool has_control_of_entity(Entity entity) #### void network_session_kick_player(Player player) #### bool is_friend_online(string name) #### bool is_friend_in_multiplayer(string name) #### uint32_t get_friend_scid(string name) #### uint32_t get_friend_count() #### uint32_t get_max_friends() #### float get_entity_speed(Entity entity) #### void task_follow_to_offset_of_entity(Ped ped, Entity entity, v3 offset, float speed, int timeout, float stopRange, bool persistFollowing) #### void request_named_ptfx_asset(string asset) #### bool has_named_ptfx_asset_loaded(string asset) #### void set_next_ptfx_asset(string asset) #### void set_next_ptfx_asset_by_hash(Hash hash) #### Ptfx start_ptfx_looped_on_entity(string name, Entity e, v3 offset, v3 rot, float scale) #### bool start_ptfx_non_looped_on_entity(string name, Entity e, v3 offset, v3 rot, float scale) #### void remove_ptfx_from_entity(Entity) #### bool does_looped_ptfx_exist(Ptfx ptfx) #### Ptfx start_particle_fx_looped_at_coord(string name, v3 pos, v3 rot, float scale, bool xAxis, bool yAxis, bool zAxis, bool a8) #### bool start_particle_fx_non_looped_at_coord(string name, v3 pos, v3 rot, float scale, bool xAxis, bool yAxis, bool zAxis) #### bool start_networked_particle_fx_non_looped_at_coord(string name, v3 pos, v3 rot, float scale, bool xAxis, bool yAxis, bool zAxis) #### void remove_particle_fx(Ptfx ptfx, bool a2) #### void remove_particle_fx_in_range(v3 pos, float range) #### void set_particle_fx_looped_offsets(Ptfx ptfx, v3 pos, v3 rot) #### void set_particle_fx_looped_evolution(Ptfx ptfx, string propertyName, float amount, bool a4) #### void set_particle_fx_looped_color(Ptfx ptfx, float r, float b, float g, bool a5) #### void set_particle_fx_looped_alpha(Ptfx ptfx, float a) #### void set_particle_fx_looped_scale(Ptfx ptfx, float scale) #### void set_particle_fx_looped_far_clip_dist(Ptfx ptfx, float dist) #### void enable_clown_blood_vfx(bool toggle) #### void enable_alien_blood_vfx(bool toggle) #### void animpostfx_play(Hash effect, int32_t duration, bool looped) #### void animpostfx_stop(Hash effect) #### bool animpostfx_is_running(Hash effect) #### void animpostfx_stop_all()
- Deprecated LUA functions
Version 2.1.7⚓︎
Released on May 31st 2020
- Added net event hooks master switch
- LUA Autoexec after reset state
- Added readonly stats to stats editor
- Added trap player in stunt tube [VIP]
- Added aimbot exclude friends
- Added triggerbot exclude friends
- Excluded peds in the player's ped group from triggerbot
- Fixed set lobby time
- Updated crash protection
- Updated noclip to be framerate independent
- Fixed controller support in interiors
- Disable some native inputs when menu is opened by controller
- Added player model change protection
- Added money drop protection
Added block objects/peds/vehicles/pickups from modders/player
Added LUA function
Changed LUA function
Fixed menu not backing out of player sub-menus after a player leaves
- Added owner text to editor mode
- Added cage protection
- Updated modder detection
- Added modder detection reason flags to player info window
- Added kill all passive players [VIP]
- Added Y player flag (YOU)
- Added delete option to ini profiles
- Added casino (slots) instructions [VIP]
- Added auto play casino slots [VIP]
- Updated entity cleanup
- Added glitch player vehicle [VIP]
- Added trap player in invisible cage {VIP]
- Added trap player in invisible stunt tube [VIP]
- Added looped 5M money [VIP]
Version 2.1.6⚓︎
Released on May 16th 2020
- Updated launcher
- Fixed set_entity_gravity crash
- Automatic lua53.dll injection
- Fixed out of bounds active feature
- Epic Games Store support
Version 2.1.5⚓︎
Released on May 10th 2020
- Fixed LUA handler pushing by writing to
or callingtoggle()
- Added LUA events
- Fixed LUA system.wait crash for non-threaded script handlers
- Added LUA
- Added LUA package.path set by default to the 2Take1 scripts dir
- Fixed LUA vehicle.set_vehicle_number_plate_text
- Added LUA autoexec
- Updated launcher
- Updated prep
- Added chat commands
- Added LUA Regex
- Fixed object attach protex
- Added LUA debug console
- Increased fake friend rename max len from 15 to 16
- Fixed vehicle extras sub-menu disappearing when accesing it while not in a vehicle
- Added more LUA functions
#### void decor_register(string name, int type) #### bool decor_exists_on(Entity e, string decor) #### bool decor_remove(Entity e, string decor) #### int decor_get_int(Entity entity, string name) #### bool decor_set_int(Entity entity, string name, int value) #### float get_global_f(int i) #### int get_global_i(int i) #### float get_local_f(Hash script, int i) #### int get_local_i(Hash script, int i) #### void play_sound(int soundId, string audioName, string audioRef, bool p4, Any p5, bool p6) #### void play_sound_frontend(int soundId, string audioName, string audioRef, bool p4) #### void play_sound_from_entity(int soundId, string audioName, Entity entity, string audioRef) #### void play_sound_from_coord(int soundId, string audioName, v3 pos, string audioRef, bool a5, int range, bool a7) #### void stop_sound(int soundId) #### void set_new_waypoint(v2 coord) #### v2 get_waypoint_coord() #### void set_entity_god_mode(Entity entity, bool toggle) #### bool get_entity_god_mode(Entity entity) #### uint32_t get_player_ip(Player player) #### bool is_player_modder(Player player) #### bool is_player_god(Player player) #### int get_player_wanted_level(Player player) #### int player_count() #### bool is_player_in_any_vehicle(Player player) #### v3 get_player_coords(Player player) #### float get_player_heading(Player player) #### float get_player_health(Player player) #### float get_player_max_health(Player player) #### float get_player_armour(Player player) #### int get_player_from_ped(Ped ped) #### int get_player_team(Player player) #### Vehicle get_player_vehicle(Player player) #### bool is_player_vehicle_god(Player player) #### bool is_player_host(Player player) #### Player get_host() #### bool is_player_spectating(Player player) #### Hash get_player_model(Player player) #### bool send_player_sms(Player player, string msg) #### bool set_vehicle_neon_lights_color(Vehicle vehicle, int color) #### int get_vehicle_neon_lights_color(Vehicle vehicle) #### bool set_vehicle_neon_light_enabled(Vehicle vehicle, int index, bool toggle) #### bool is_vehicle_neon_light_enabled(Vehicle vehicle, int index, bool toggle) #### bool,int get_max_ammo(Ped ped, Hash weapon) #### bool set_ped_ammo(Ped ped, Hash weapon, int ammo) #### bool set_ped_ragdoll_blocking_flags(Ped ped, int flags) #### bool reset_ped_ragdoll_blocking_flags(Ped ped, int flags) #### bool delete_feature(int id) #### Any get_interior_from_entity(Entity entity) #### Any get_interior_at_coords_with_type(const v3& coords, string interiorType) #### void enable_interior_prop(Any id, string prop) #### void disable_interior_prop(Any id, string prop) #### void refresh_interior(Any id) #### bool is_entity_in_water(Entity entity) #### void clear_area_of_objects(v3 coord, float radius, int flags) #### void clear_area_of_vehicles(v3 coord, float radius, bool a3, bool a4, bool a5, bool a6, bool a7) #### void clear_area_of_peds(v3 coord, float radius, bool a3) #### void clear_area_of_cops(v3 coord, float radius, bool a3)
- Added LUA Feat members
- Fixed LUA set_entity_visible and get_entity_type mixup
- Fixed feat ini not loading toggled off features
- Added new explosion types
- Added micro crash dumper
- Fixed blocked net events not fucking off
- Updated script kick protex
- Added INI profiles
- Updated player list logic
Version 2.1.4⚓︎
Released on April 19th 2020
- Added LUA script event hooks
- Added LUA D3D render support
- LUA Feat.type and Feat.parent readonly
- LUA Feat.on write fix
- Added LUA Feat.hidden
- Fixed LUA boolean params for some engine functions (BOOL -> bool)
- Added more LUA functions
#### bool set_entity_no_collsion_entity(Entity entity, Entity target, bool unk) #### void freeze_entity(Entity entity, bool toggle) #### bool get_entity_offset_from_coords(v3& out, Entity lEntity, v3 coords) #### bool get_entity_offset_from_entity(v3& out, Entity lEntity, Entity lEntity2) #### void set_entity_alpha(Entity entity, int32_t alpha, bool skin) #### void reset_entity_alpha(Entity entity) #### bool delete_entity(Entity e) #### uint32_t get_number_of_ped_drawable_variations(Ped ped, uint32_t comp) #### uint32_t get_number_of_ped_texture_variations(Ped ped, uint32_t comp, uint32_t draw) #### uint32_t get_number_of_ped_prop_drawable_variations(Ped ped, uint32_t groupId) #### uint32_t get_number_of_ped_prop_texture_variations(Ped ped, uint32_t groupId, uint32_t drawId) #### void set_ped_random_component_variation(Ped ped) #### void set_ped_default_component_variation(Ped ped) #### void set_ped_movement_clipset(Ped ped, string szClipset) #### void reset_ped_movement_clipset(Ped ped, bool unk0) #### Ped clone_ped(Ped ped) #### bool set_ped_config_flag(Ped ped, int flag, char value) #### Player get_host_of_this_script() #### bool set_vehicle_doors_locked(Vehicle vehicle, int lockStatus)
- Updated invalid model crash protex (/w source player notification)
- Added clone protection
- Added peds to attachment block
- Added mark_as_modder to invalid model protex and attach protex
- Added peds to clear attachments
- Updated disable phonecalls
- Updated launcher
- Added script host indicator
- Added script host kick protection
- Fixed crashing issue when leaving a session
Version 2.1.3⚓︎
Released on April 12th 2020
- Updated crash protection
- Fixed vehicle mod crash
- Changed casino heist features to action features
- Fixed feature name spelling mistakes
- Added option to make vehicle preview networked
- Added LUA threading support
- Updated default SEP
- Added MARK_AS_MODDER flag to SEP
- Updated modder detection
- Added mark as modder feature
- Added unmark as modder feature
- Removed auto clear attachments
- Added block attachments
- Added F1 tires to mobile LSC
Version 2.1.2⚓︎
Released on March 31st 2020
- Updated for 1868.1
- Fixed crash on resolution change (and alt+enter)
- Fixed crash on spoofer profile delete [VIP]
- Added vehicle spawner previews
- Fixed spoofer issue causing apartment kicks [VIP]
- Left 2nd SCID for local player in tact (so you can look up your own SCID) [VIP]
- Added new script kick protection method
- Added script event pool to info overlay
- Added remove Oppressor MKII cooldown [VIP]
- Added remove Suicide cooldown [VIP]
- Added remove Passive Mode cooldown [VIP]
- Added remove CEO Ban [VIP]
- Added remove (CEO) mission cooldowns [VIP]
- Moved CEO Ban to standard
- Moved Hijack vehicle to standard
- Added rig slot machines [VIP]
- Added rig lucky wheel [VIP]
- Fixed crash when changing spoofer profiles while the spoofer is enabled [VIP]
Version 2.1.1⚓︎
Released on March 15th 2020
- UI Update
- New menu header
- Custom menu headers [VIP]
- Added more lua functions:
#### bool task_combat_ped(Ped ped, Ped target, int a3, int a4) #### Any task_go_to_coord_by_any_means(Ped ped, v3 coords, float speed, Any p4, BOOL p5, int walkStyle, float a7) #### bool task_wander_standard(Ped ped, float unk0, bool unk1) #### void task_vehicle_drive_wander(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, float speed, uint32_t driveStyle) #### bool get_ped_last_weapon_impact(Ped ped, v3& pos) #### bool set_ped_combat_ability(Ped ped, BYTE ability) #### float get_ped_max_health(Entity entity) #### bool set_ped_max_health(Entity entity, float health) #### bool resurrect_ped(Ped ped) #### void set_ped_combat_movement(Ped ped, int32_t type) #### void set_ped_combat_range(Ped ped, int32_t type) #### void set_ped_combat_attributes(Ped ped, uint32_t attr, bool toggle) #### void set_ped_accuracy(Ped ped, int32_t accuracy) #### bool is_player_pressing_horn(Player player) #### bool is_vehicle_engine_running(Vehicle veh) #### void set_vehicle_engine_health(Vehicle veh, float health) #### bool is_vehicle_damaged(Vehicle veh) #### bool is_vehicle_on_all_wheels(Vehicle veh) #### Vehicle create_vehicle(Hash model, v3 pos, float heading, BOOL networked, BOOL unk2) #### Ped create_ped(int type, Hash model, v3 pos, float heading, bool isNetworked, bool unk1)
- Fixed bug causing some action features to toggle on unload
- Improved vehicle stick to ground
- Fixed bug causing spoofer crash if name has 16 characters [VIP]
- Removed selected border from menu color customization
- Added health, armor and P&Q drops for remote player [VIP]
- Added auto drop health and auto drop armor for remote player [VIP]
- Added hijack player vehicle [VIP]
- Spoofer rework [VIP]
- Added IP Spoofer [VIP]
- Added Level Spoofer [VIP]
- Added K/D Spoofer [VIP]
- Added Total Money Spoofer [VIP]
- Added Wallet Money Spoofer [VIP]
- Added second IP to player info window
- Fixed crash caused by handler thread safety issue
- Added Network Halt [VIP]
- Enable player info window in player info window setting submenu
- Added Reveal OTR Players [VIP]
- Added CEO Ban [VIP]
- Updated admin detection
- Removed real friends restrictions from fake friends (VIP)
Released on February 24th 2020
- Fixed bug causing spoofer to partially turn on during injection
Version 2.1.0⚓︎
Released on February 23rd 2020
- Updated crash protex
- Added input scid joiner [VIP]
- Added join option to fake friends [VIP]
- Added lua
void set_menu_can_navigate(bool toggle)
- Fixed remote never wanted crash on player leave
- Added money drop
- Added money gun
- Added new radio stations (ifruit, blonded, lsur)
- Removed street names from player info window (due to crashing issues)
- Fixed player info window crash related to SCIDs
- Added send Griefer Jesus [VIP]
- Added send Jets [VIP]
- Added launcher player vehicle up/forward [VIP]
- Added add player as fake friend [VIP]
- Added kill passive player [VIP]
- Added name and scid spoofer [VIP]
- Added send player text message [VIP]
- Added notify option to log joining players
- Added remote tire bursting [VIP]
- Added host indicator
- Added infinite vehicle rockets
- Added crash player [VIP]
- Added infinite vehicle countermeasures [VIP]
Version 2.0.4⚓︎
Released on February 23rd 2020
- Fixed crashes when joining missions
- Reversed gloves and torso2 in outfitter
- Asynchronous event logger
- Fixed aimbot lead time debug text X max
- Disable menu navigation during keyboard input
Version 2.0.3⚓︎
Released on January 19th 2020
- Added more lua functions:
#### void set_player_as_modder(Player player) #### string get_player_name(Player player) #### int get_player_scid(Player player) #### void clear_ped_blood_damage(Ped ped) #### bool is_ped_in_vehicle(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle) #### bool is_ped_using_any_scenario(Ped ped) #### void task_goto_entity(Entity e, Entity target, int duration, float distance, float speed) #### void hide_hud_and_radar_this_frame() #### bool set_ped_to_ragdoll(Ped ped, int time1, int time2, int type) #### bool set_entity_as_no_longer_needed(Entity entity) #### bool set_ped_can_ragdoll(Ped ped, bool toggle) #### bool can_ped_ragdoll(Ped ped)
- Added sanity check for lua53.dll
- Added nightclub check for nightclub money and beggar money
- Added player join logger
- Changed remove security guards and cameras to toggle features
- Added keep it running (turn on vehicle engine automatically)
- Added particle fx
- Added optional ptfx to teleport
- Fixed nightclub money bug
- Ini parser read optimization
- Fixed player bone ESP crash due to race condition
- Added teleport gun
- Added vehicle gun
- Improved auto-repair vehicle
- Added vehicle horn jump
Version 2.0.2⚓︎
Released on January 2nd 2020
- Added more blips to objective and retrieve supplies
- Added beggar money
- Added casino heist delete security guards & cameras
- Added casino heist bot (Follow master player, participate in double door swipe, loot vault trolly, loot paintings)
- Auto delete SEP file after an update
Version 2.0.1⚓︎
Released on December 15th 2019
- Fixed fullscreen renderer (no menu bg)
- Fixed player info window crash when switching tabs
- Added arcade blip teleport
- Added vehicle warehouse blip teleport
- Removed FPS limiter
- Re-enabled bunker unlocks
- Fixed name changer
- Moved name changer to online
- Moved tp last/personal vehicle to me to teleport submenu
- Added auto-clean player
- Added feature to disable phone when menu is active (for TKL keyboards)
Version 2.0.0⚓︎
Released on December 12th 2019
- Updated for GTA 1.50
- Internal refactor
- Added full ini reload (instead of just keybinds)
- New translation implementation
- New controller input implemenation
- Fixed editor mode hotkeys
- Added new lobby join
- Added enable CEO/MC in private session
- Fixed builder mode Z offset
- Fixed lobby set time
- Added fake friends by SCID
- Added neon and headlight colors to vehicle saver
- Updated splash screen
- Added 'Murica bike to tunables
- Added total money to player info window
- Added $5M money add/remove
- Fixed aimbot when using railgun
- Player info window justify right
- Sine based rainbow vehicle
- Added rainbow traffic
- Added more LUA functions
- Added second scid to player info window
- Fixed FPS limiter not turning on after reinject
- Added engine fix to vehicle repair (allows you to drive vehicles destroyed by water)
- Fixed vehicle indicator lights being reversed
- Added RID to freemode crash log
- Added FOV changer
Version 1.4.6⚓︎
- Reinjectable menu
- Fixed unicode ini parser
- Added missing sp peds to mission ped filters
- Added more LUA functions
- Added street names to player info window
- Added rapid fire (removes delay between shots)
- Removed aimbot distance; This is now done automatically based on weapon range
- Added FPS limiter
Version 1.4.5⚓︎
- Updated saved vehicles & outfits /w new ini parser
- crash protection
- super flight
- ignore SE from player
- Disable native crosshair when custom crosshair is enabled
- Fixed saved vehicle liveries
- Added new vehicle mod implementation
- Fixed saved vehicles window tint
- Fixed mobile LSC vehicle window tint
- Added vehicle extras
- Added bulletproof tires to mobile LSC
- Added vehicle perfomance upgrade option
- Added mark vehicle (with blip)
- Added convertible roof control
- Vehicle indicator and brake lights control
- Added more LUA functions
Version 1.4.4⚓︎
- More script kicks
- Fixed mass gravity gun
- Fixed remote never wanted
- Fixed controller in interior
- Added linked ped filter features to aimbot and esp
- Added event validation to SEP (and freemode crash log)
- Added 2d radar
- Disabled stealth money
- Updated FW1 renderer
- Updated auth
- Kick Karma friend exclusion
- Casino teleport
- Handler pop logic fix
- Added profanity filter bypass
- Added more blips to objective teleport
- Added retrive supplies (tp supplies to yourself)
- Added TP to (business) computer (only works inside)
- Fixed office TP to warehouse bug
Version 1.4.2⚓︎
- Implemented spel64 for manual module mapping
- Name changer sp fix
- Fixed a net event hook bug
- Fixed splash screen starting during loading screen
- Added arena unlocks recovery
- Stats editor is now customizable through stats.cfg (menu will generate file automatically if it doesn't exist)
- Script event protection is now customizable through sep.cfg (menu will generate file automatically if it doesn't exist)
- New script event blocking method
- Added source player name to notification
- Added logo/title to notifications
- Fixed bug causing save hotkey not to work
- Fixed bug reloading ini
- Added freemode crash (kick) log
- Added custom teleport locations cfg
- Added lua scripting engine
- Fixed memory alignment segfaults
- Added object spawn cfg
- Added animations cfg
Version 1.4.1⚓︎
- Enabled money & rp recovery
- Added remote never wanted
- Added more net events
- Added block/notify/both option to net event protex
- Added transparency to Popstar, Greyscale and Pink color schemes
- Set level through input
- Restricted recovery submenu to online
- Removed skatepark objects
- Updated stats editor
- Added more stats
- Keyboard input
- Added vehicle headlight color
- Fixed rivatuner crash at auth login
- Fixed gta launcher crash for steam version
Version 1.4.0⚓︎
- Auth needs to be started before launching GTA
- Added logo & legal skip
- Added xenon color customization
- Included lang file as resource (delete in appdata to reset it)
- Fixed cashgrab dlc vehicle spawn
- New net event blocking implementation
- Added rp correction recovery
- Added old renderer implementation as alternative (RENDER_FW1=1 in the [Version] category)
Version 1.3.0⚓︎
- Updated d3d11 renderer
- New text rendering implementation
- Draw order is now respected
- Custom spritefont support
- Added bodyguard regroup
- Added avenger and terrorbyte to mobile base tp
- Added arena workshop tp
- Changed tp to personal vehicle to non-blip based approach
- Fixed inf ammo bug causing peds to not be able to shoot
- Added bodyguard auto-regroup
- Added bodyguard god
- Added bodyguard re-init (find all group members)
- Added bodyguard group formation
- Added bodyguard ESP
- Ped cleanup is now handled by the game engine
- Added arena IPL
- Added gender change recovery
- Added nightclub popularity recovery
- Removed model bypasses
Version 1.2.11⚓︎
- Updated for new GTA Online Patch
- Added new weapons
- Added new vehicles
- Added vehicle EMP
- Added lvl check to trophy unlocks
Version 1.2.10⚓︎
- Added skip cutscene (hotkey-able)
- Added god text to ESP
- Removed weapon modifers (dmg, range, muzzle velocity, etc)
- Updated methods for some features
- Added spawned bodyguard weapon options
Version 1.2.9⚓︎
- Improved script kick protex
- Improved is in vehicle logic
- Added medusa feature (freeze players that aim at you)
- Fixed SC Super Run crash
- Added bone ESP
- Added customizable ESP colors
- Moved Ped ESP to Player ESP submenu
- Updated aimbot smoothing
- Added aimbot target lead time
- Added aimbot target indicator
- Added bunker research recovery
- Added enter vehicle as passenger to editor
- Added bad sport recovery
Version 1.2.7⚓︎
- Added Player Info Window (enabled from Interface submenu)
- Fixed menu browsing bug (when going back after switching tabs)
- Fixed custom tp location names
- Fixed some script event protex
- Added crash protex
- Added host kick
- Added exprimental script kick protex (which should give less false positives)
- Added block join requests (host only)
- Updated auth
- Fixed SP Vehicle bypass turning off after playing some SP missions
Version 1.2.6⚓︎
- Improved player list
- Fixed tp rotation bug
- Missing keys will no longer reset your ini
- Added default value (of 255) for color alpha (esp, overlay, etc)
- Multiple features can be bound to the same hotkey
- Added BST hotkey
- Added vehicle repair hotkey
- Added triggerbot hotkey
- Added OTR hotkey
- Added Lawless Mode hotkey
- Added Refill Ammo hotkey
- Added Godmode hotkey
- Added Vehicle Godmode hotkey
- Keys are now reloadable without re-injecting
- Added support for direct VK keybind (eg: 0x12)
- Added support for multi-key keybinds (eg: SHIFT+F5) (To bind keys without modifiers (SHIFT, ALT, CONTROL) you can use
; JustKEY
doesn't care about modifiers) - Moved attach bone to Attachment Settings sub-menu
- Added attachment offset
- Added attachment rotation
- Fixed foreground window check
- Moved parent
suffix to the right
Version 1.2.5⚓︎
- Added set lobby time (hour)
- Added weapon stone hatchet
- Added vehicle no-collision
- Added weapon double action
- Added set self on fire
- Added simple vehicle builder !!EXPERIMENTAL!! WIP
- Added get into vehicle to editor (with hotkey F)
- Added physics glitch (griefing option)
- Added remove attachments features
- Made local player available in sp
- Protections moved to online tab
- Fixed noclip rotation bug
- Added scramjet to personal vehicle tp
- Improved detach all on remote player
Version 1.2.4⚓︎
- Fixed deliver ammo, deliver minigun and bullshark testosterone
- Fixed tp vehicle to me (add request control)
- Fixed delete immediately firing when turning on editor mode
- Fixed set vehicle wheel type
- Added event protex submenu
- Added vehicle color submenus to mobile LSC
- Added vehicle color selector submenus to vehicle spawner options
- Added Benny wheel types
- Added all players set weather
- Added 2.5k money drop
- Changed local weather to a toggle, so the persistent weather can be cleared
Version 1.2.3⚓︎
- Fixed controller support
- Fixed missing text for menu colors
- Added delay to unlocks (recovery)
- Fixed ped spawner bodyguards
- Added career page stats to stats editor (total players killed, total deaths by players, player vs player K/D)
- Added no-water
- Separated script event protection (kick, apartment invite, vehicle kick, ceo kick)
- Added 16 kick events
- Added kick karma (kick players who attempt to kick you)
Version 1.2.1⚓︎
- Updated for GTA 1.44
- Fixed model changer crash on w10
- Fixed walking animation crash
Version 1.2.0⚓︎
- Auth GUI
- D3D11 Renderer
- Added tp last/personal vehicle to me
- Added script events (kick, apartment invite, etc)
- Added script event protection (again kick)
- Added aimbot in vehicle toggle
- Added spawn > saved Vehicle Profiles
- Added outfit saver
- Added Neon Lights to Vehicle Customizer
- Fixed bug with saved settings not loading properly
- Fixed bug with vehicle handling resetting
- Fixed model changer
- Fixed blip teleport & waypoint/objective teleport
- Fixed give wanted level (online)
Version 1.1.1⚓︎
- Fixed walking animation crash
- Fixed speed-o-meter (will only show up while in a vehicle now)
- Fixed teleport to waypoint (spawning below the ground)
- Fixed sp vehicle bypass (only works for your last vehicle, so use
spawn in vehicle
) - Fixed is-in-vehicle logic
- Fixed onscreen keyboard (when esc out)
- Fixed deleting objects for steam version
- Fixed stats editor crash
- Fixed name changer keyboard issue
- Fixed name changer crashing issue
- Fixed mobile LSC crashing with new vehicles
- Added wallet option to stealth money
- Added Akula
- Added more weapon modifiers
- Muzzle Velocity
- Bullet Batch
- Bullet Batch Spread
- Weapon Range
- Lockon Range
- Added bad sport recovery
Version 1.1.0⚓︎
- Performance update
- Updated auth
- Auto-login
- Fixed set weather
- Fixed energy field (chaos mode)
- Fixed outfitter props
- Fixed stats editor for second character
- Fixed remove weapons from (online) player
- Fixed trap in cage
- Added refill ammo
- Added bullshark testosterone
- Added disable phone calls
- Added deliver ammo
- Added deliver minigun
- Added clear all ped props (outfitter)
- Added freeze player
- Added doomsday unlocks (recovery)
- Added more online explosion options
- Added new MK2 weapons
- Added facility teleport
- Added support for more (warstock) personal vehicles
- Added kick player
- Added script event protection (for kick)
- Added suicide hotkey
- Removed crash player (patched by R*)
- Removed anti-crash
- Removed option to track individual players (ESP)
- Removed defunct 'is god' from ESP and player info
- Removed player invisibility
Version 1.0.8⚓︎
- Added language support
- Added vehicle auto-repair
- Fixed tuneable menu
- Fixed detection
Version 1.0.7⚓︎
- Removed detected code
- Removed 2k and ped drops
- Vehicle upgrade now includes bulletproof tires
Version 1.0.6⚓︎
- Improved anti-crash method.
- Crash objects are now pushed into a cleanup queue (after 10 seconds)
- Crash works while anti-crash is enabled.
- Added ESP Alpha
- Added max draw dist for ped ESP
- Added vehicle door controls
- Added input (text) based vehicle spawning
- Removed defunct money methods
- Added 10M Stealth money (give and remove)
- Fixed color options for vehicle spawner
Version 1.0.5⚓︎
- Added suicide (self option)
- Never wanted was replaced with Lawless Mode (which will also work in the military base)
- New money dropper
- Fixed mission ped filters
- GTA and the auth no longer requires admin rights (though they do require EQUAL rights)
- Fixed bunker supply mission objective teleport
- Added teleport to CEO office, bunker, hangar, clubhouse, weed, cocaine, meth, forgery, counterfeit
- Added airwalk
- Fixed restore for some features
- Teleport to objective merged with teleport to waypoint
Version 1.0.4⚓︎
- Added tuneables instructions
- Fixed crash player
- Added 200k drops
- New (1.41) DLC Vehicles
- Updated for GTA 1.41
Version 1.0.3⚓︎
- Added aimbot smoothing
- Added aimbot delay
- Improved ped drop
- Added aimbot visibility check (ray casting)
- Added more story models
- Added walk animations
- Added Special Holiday DLC
- Added more construction objects
- Added explosive objects
- Improved editor mode
- Added builder mode (a editor sub-mode)
- Fixed tp to nearby vehicle crash
- Added range check to crash player
- Fixed steal outfit (gender check)
- Added stats editor
- Added mass gravity gun
Version 1.0.2⚓︎
- Added remote 2k drops
- Added remote object attachments
- Improved no-recoil
- Added more peds to the ped filters
- Added blackout
- Added player damage modifiers
- Added vehicle custom colors
- Added vehicle wheel type
- Added 3 weapon upgrades
- Added 2 color schemes
- Added tutorial
- Added steal player outfit
Version 1.0.1⚓︎
- Fixed menu text scaling
- Added heist peds to filters
- Added 20k, 50k and 10m bank drops
- Moved money options to the recovery menu