Menu Settings⚓︎
Menu Profiles⚓︎
Profiles allow you save your menu settings, such as the features currently enabled, and configure them automatically.
2Take1 relies on a default profile, which will be loaded automatically upon injection. By default, press F9 at any time to save your settings to your default profile. You can also change this key if you want to.
You can also create custom profiles with different sets of features and settings that you can load manually. For example, you can configure a custom profile with all protections and event hooks disabled, in order to play a heist without issues.
Both default and custom profiles can be managed from within 2Take1, by going to Local Tab → Settings → Profiles. You can load or save your settings to a profile, create custom profiles, rename and delete them.
Shared Menu Profiles
Our community servers allow members to share their menu profiles.
You can import them as custom profiles by adding them to the profiles
directory, or use them as your default profile by replacing your 2Take1Menu.ini
Your 2Take1 profiles will be defined...
- ... as the following file, for your default profile:
- ... as standalone INI files in the following directory, for custom profiles:
Menu UI⚓︎
The UI of 2Take1 is fully customizable. The following options are available:
- Enable Preset – Override the UI customizations and revert 2Take1 to its default visual state. This will not change your current settings.
- Header – Change the header picture of 2Take1.
- Fonts – Change the font for every element of 2Take1.
- Menu Layout – Change the properties of every element of the menu, such as size, spacing and padding.
- Menu Colors – Change the colors of every element of the menu, from the background to the scroll bar.
Shared UI Profiles
Our community servers allow members to share their UI profiles.
They will often bundle a profile, a header and/or a font. Place the INI profile in ui\
, the header in ui\headers
and the font in ui\fonts
You may create different UI profiles to quickly change the appearance of the menu. 2Take1 uses a default profile that will be loaded when the menu is injected, and you can also create additional profiles.
UI profiles will be stored as INI files within this directory:
Info Overlay⚓︎
Display an overlay with info related to the game. You can align the items to the right or bottom, change the color of the text and the position of the overlay, as well as the background.
- FPS counter
- Vehicle speed (in miles per hour)
- Player count
- Health and armor
- Wanted evel
- XYZ coordinates
- Script Event count
- Entity and Net Entity counts
Customize the appearance of 2Take1's notification system (anchor, position, width, extension, text size and spacing, fading and duplicate effects). You may display test notifications to see what they look like after the changes.
Additionally, you may also clear all notifications from the queue, disable all notifications altogether, or log them to the following file:
Player Info Window⚓︎
See information of the players in your lobby from within Online Players. The window will be pinned next to the menu by default. If you disable the Pin option, the window will be displayed in the top left corner. You can also set a XY offset from either base.
- Player ID (from 0 to 31)
- Health
- Armor
- Godmode state
- XYZ coordinates
- Distance from you
- Wanted level
- In vehicle?
- Vehicle godmode state
- Is friend?
- Cached IP address
- Wallet money
- Total money
- Level
- Kill-Death ratio
- Is spectating?
- Modder flags
- Is in an interior?
- Host token
- Host priority
- Social Club ID (both real and weakly spoofed)
- Organization or Motorcycle Club
Sort Players⚓︎
Choose how online players in your lobby are arranged in the players list. You can sort them by name, lobby slot, or join time.
Menu XY⚓︎
Set the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) position of the menu, using the header as a reference.
Change the volume of the sound effects that play when you navigate through 2Take1Menu.
Input Method⚓︎
Lets you switch between four input methods: Raw, WinState, WinKeyboardState and GTA. You should be fine with the default one, but feel free to change it if that is not the case. If you change the input method on accident and cannot navigate through the menu anymore, restart the game.
Block 60% Keys When Menu Is Open⚓︎
This will block the following keys while the menu is open, to prevent the game from also using the inputs.
- Up arrow
- Down arrow
- Left arrow
- Right arrow
- Return
- Backspace
- Insert
- Page up
- Page down
Lets you set different cooperative multithreading implementations. This feature may come useful for Lua developers requiring advanced features to work properly, and does not serve any real purpose for regular users.
Save Lang INI⚓︎
Generates a language file, which you may use to create a translation of the menu.
Display a notification when a hotkey is pressed. You may receive notifications for action features, for toggle features, or for both. You can also disable hotkeys while typing in the game chat.
Show additional information about features when they are selected.
Display an in-game console that will let you interact with 2Take1 via commands. You can assign a hotkey to pull up the console at any time.
Commands list
- Force a net split.
- Clear the console history.
- Closes the console.
feat <keyword>
- Feature search.
god [<on|off>]
- Toggle godmode on/off.
help [<command>]
- List all available commands, or provide a usage guide to the supplied command if one is given.
- Open this documentation in your browser.
join <username>
- Join the supplied player's session.
kick <name>
- Kick the supplied player name from the session.
kickid <id>
- Kick the supplied player id from the session.
lawless [<on|off>]
- Toggle lawless mode on/off.
load <ini profile>
- Load the custom profile with the provided filename.
lobby <type>
- Join a new session with the supplied type.
lua <code>
- Run the supplied Lua code.
luap <exp>
- Run the supplied Lua expression. (Wraps the supplied code in:
- Reset the console Lua state.
luax <script>
- Run the supplied Lua script.
save <ini profile>
- Save the current settings to a custom profile with the provided filename.
say <text>
- Send the provided text in the lobby chat.
say_team <text>
- Send the provided text in the team chat.
setval <value>
- Set the value for the currently selected menu feature.
time [<hh:mm|h:mm|hhmm|hmm|reset>]
- Print the current game time (if no parameters are provided) or set it to the provided value. Multiple formats are accepted.
will restore the original time.
tp <player name|x y z|x, y, z>
- Teleport to the provided player or coordinates.
vehicle <modelname>
- Spawn the supplied vehicle model.
veh_god [<on|off>]
- Toggle vehicle godmode on/off.
- Print the current menu version number.
weather [<type|reset>]
- Print the current weather (if no parameters are provided) or set it to the provided value.
will restore the original weather.
Allows you to continue or restart the interactive tutorial.
Controller Support⚓︎
Use the menu with a controller. Once enabled, you must close the menu with the keyboard, and then open it with the controller.
Disable Phone When Menu Is Active⚓︎
Real LALT+F4⚓︎
When enabled, pressing Left Alt + F4 will instantly close GTA, instead of showing the confirmation screen.